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Dynamic navigator

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The dynamic navigation is a way to locate data in the system based on classification or attribute hierarchies.

Classification hierarchy is based on the object properties. Whereas the attribute navigation generates the view hierarchy according to the values set for the attributes.

Through this menu, it is possible to assemble and configure dynamic browsers that can be used to group documents and protocols into hierarchy types on the main screens of the system, making it easier to locate them.


Configuring a dynamic navigator

See below the steps to configuring a dynamic navigator:


1.Go to the Configuration Dynamic navigator menu.


2.Click on the button on the main toolbar.


3.On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the navigator. Also, fill out the fields in the following tabs:


Object: Select one of the options to define the object to which the dynamic navigator will be applied.

Icon: Select the icon that will represent the dynamic navigator on the screens in which the resource is used.


Dynamic navigator item

Add the items that will filter the records when the dynamic navigator is used. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to add an item to the dynamic navigator. See further details in the "Adding an item to the dynamic navigator" topic.

Click on this button to edit the item selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to delete the item selected in the list of records from the dynamic navigator.

Click on this button to move the item selected in the list of records, up.

Click on this button to move the item selected in the list of records, down.



Create a security list for the dynamic navigator. To do that, select one of the following options:

Public: Any SE Document user will have access to the navigator.

Restricted: Only certain SE Document users will have access.


1.If the access is Restricted, add the specific access desired for the record:


2.Click on the button on the side toolbar.


3.On the screen that will be opened, in the Access type field, select the group that corresponds to the users to which access should be enabled.


4.According to selected access type, Filters will be enabled to be filled out. Use them to make it easier to search for desired records.


5.If the selected access type is Organizational unit, the hierarchy of business units and the departments belonging to them (if any) will be displayed. Check the business units and/or desired departments. Check the Consider sublevels option for the organizational units that are below the selected unit in the hierarchy to also be considered.


6.After entering the fields above, click on the toolbar button on the selection screen. Depending on the selected access type and the values entered in the filters, the result will be displayed in the list of records, located at the bottom of the screen.


7.Select the ones that will compose the security list. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys down or check next to each item, to select more than a record at a time.


8.In the Controls field, expand the list and check the actions that will be enabled for the access type.


9.After filling in the necessary fields, save the record.


After performing the necessary configurations, save the record.