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Adding an item to the dynamic navigator

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To add an item, click on the button on the side toolbar.


On the screen that will be displayed, configure the following fields:



Select the dynamic navigator level in which the item will be displayed. The level of the item has an influence in the order in which it will be applied when the dynamic navigator is used.


Select the image to identify the item in the dynamic navigator.

Display lower level items

If the dynamic navigator to which the item is being added is of the "Object property" type, check this option for the subtype records to also be displayed when the dynamic navigator is used.


Select the type of the item that will compose the dynamic navigator:

Object property: The item that will compose the dynamic navigator will be a property of the object to which it is applied.

Attribute: The item that will compose the dynamic navigator will be an attribute created in the system.


The completion of this field will vary according to the option selected in the "Type" field:

Object property: Select the property that will be used by the item.

Attribute: Select the attribute that will be used as an item. The possible attributes must be duly created through the Configuration Attribute menu.


After that, save the record.


Repeat the procedure to add all desired items and compose the dynamic navigator.