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Parameterizing the conversion to PDF

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To parameterize the conversion to PDF, access the Configuration General parameters menu.


In the Services section, enable the Enable PDF conversion service field. This configuration allows the conversion of files to PDF to be executed through FileManager.


In the fields that will remain enabled, enter the server and the port that will be used. Use the button to test the connection.


If this parameter is enabled, but the server and port are not entered, those entered in the redirection parameter below will be used in the conversion. If the addresses are not entered in either parameter, the conversion will take place through the SE Suite system.

For further information regarding the installation of this service, refer to the Windows Installation guide or the Linux Installation Guide.

*If SE Suite has been installed in a server with the GNU/Linux operational system, the user can redirect services that can only be executed in Windows, such as the indexing service of SE Capture and PDF conversion system using Microsoft Office, for a server with Windows. To do this, simply repeat the procedure described above. The server that will execute these services should be properly configured. Refer to the  document for further information.


Then, still on the general parameter screen, access the Conversion to PDF section. It is used to perform the parameterization of the automatic PDF conversion of the electronic files of the documents recorded in the system.


The following fields will be available to be configured:




Convert the following formats to PDF

The electronic files with checked extensions will be converted to pdf. See the Conversion to PDF section for more details on the supported formats and PDF conversion of electronic files.

The electronic files with unchecked extensions will not be converted to pdf, even if the extension is compatible with the conversion to PDF resource.

Use workstation to convert to PDF when closing the revision

The electronic files will be converted to pdf in the workstation and not in the server. This option is valid only for electronic files with extensions of MSOffice components and that are configured in the "Convert the following formats to PDF" parameters. Thus, after executing the final revision step, the revision will be sent for closure, so that the file can be converted to PDF. If the closure of the revision is configured to be automatic, the system will release the step automatically.

All electronic files will be converted in the server.

Convert in PDF/A format

The electronic files will be converted to the PDF-A format. Only the files whose extensions are configured in the "Convert the following formats to PDF" parameter will be converted.

The electronic files will be converted to the (regular) .pdf format. Only the files whose extensions are configured in the "Convert the following formats to PDF" parameter will be converted.

When converting error occurs, send e-mail to

If an error occurs while converting an electronic file to PDF, an email will be sent to a defined user. In the User field, select the desired user. For this feature to work correctly, the user's email must be filled in on the data screen of their account and that the appropriate settings regarding the sending and mail server are performed in the SE Configuration component.

If an error occurs while converting an electronic file to PDF, a notification will not be sent.


Save the records after the changes.