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Confirming the copy receiving

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After the copy protocol has been issued and its receiving has not been confirmed, the user responsible for the copy station defined in the controlled copy protocol receives the "Received copies confirmation" task.


Through My tasks Execution Received copies confirmation:


1.In the list of pending records, select the desired copy protocol.


2.After that, click on the button in the toolbar.


3.At this point, the copy protocol data will open to confirm if the copies received agree with the copies declared in the protocol. On the side toolbar of the "List of documents" list, the following buttons will be available:

Allows viewing the electronic file of the document selected in the listing.

Allows printing all electronic files of the documents from the list. Only the electronic files that have the following extensions will be printed: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ppt, .pptx, .dwg, .dxf and .pdf. For MSOffice formats, it is necessary to have the MsOffice application installed on the user's machine.


4.Save the record after viewing the necessary information. The system will ask if you wish to confirm the operation:



The receiving of copies will be confirmed and the protocol will no longer appear in the list of pending records.


The receiving will not be confirmed and the protocol will remain pending.