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Associating translations

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The relationship of translation documents can only take place if the category to which the document belongs is defined with this configuration.

To associate translations, perform the following steps:


1.In the File Document menu, select the desired document and click on the button.


2.On the document screen, in the General data section, select the language oof the electronic files of this document. Thus, it will be possible to link the same documents in different languages, allowing the user to associate them and revise them together, when necessary.


3.Save the changes.


4.Still on that screen, access the Relationship option.


5.Click on the Add option in the Document translation section.


6.In the Add relationship option, associate a translation document to create a relationship between them. To do that, the documents must be in a different language from the original document, so that they represent the document translated to other languages.


7.Then, click on "Save".


8.Save the document.


Note: It will only be possible to add one document for each language.


After the associations are performed, when hovering the mouse over a related translation document, the "Actions" button will be displayed. Click on it to view the options to delete the translation, view the document data, and view its electronic file.