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Using OneDrive for electronic files

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SE Document enables the use of Microsoft OneDrive® to perform a collaborative editing of electronic files during document revision. That way, the file will be opened through the Office365 applications (Word, Excel etc.) and, upon closing the revision, it will be stored again in SE Document. For the integration between the OneDrive API and SE Document to be performed successfully, first it is necessary to perform the following configurations:


Microsoft Azure

Access the Microsoft Azure portal and login with a user with Global Admin privileges.

On the side panel, click on the Azure Active Directory option and then on App registrations.

Click on the New registration option that will be displayed.


1.Fill out the following fields that will be displayed:

Name: Enter the "SE Document" name.

Supported account types: Select the "Accounts in this organizational directory only" option.

Redirect URI: Select the "Web" option and fill out the field with "http://localhost".


2.Click on the Register option at the bottom of the screen.


3.At this point, the Overview of the application will be displayed. Copy the value of the Application ID (client) field and store it in a safe location, as it is the Client ID which will be used to configure the API in the general parameters of SE Document.


4.Copy the value of the Directory ID (tenant) field and store it in a safe location as well, as it is the Tenant ID which will be used to configure the API in the general parameters of SE Document.


5.In the Manage section of the side panel, click on Branding and Properties. Fill out the Homepage URL field with "http://localhost". There is no need to fill out the other fields displayed.


6.In the Manage section of the side panel, click on Owners.


7.Next, if the logged user is not displayed in the listing, click on the Add owners option, locate and select the user logged in the Microsoft Azure portal (step 01) and click on the Select button at the bottom of the screen. Thus, the application gage owner will be selected.


8.Click on the name of the logged user that is being displayed in the listing. On the panel that will be displayed, copy the value of the Object ID field and store it in a safe location, as it is the User ID which will be used to configure the API in the general parameters of SE Document.


9.Return to the application home screen (step 6), access the API permissions section and click on the Microsoft Graph User.Read option.


10. On the panel that will be displayed, click on the Remove permission option and confirm the deletion.


If the "Unable to complete due to service connection error, please try again later" error occurs, please wait a few hours and try again.


11. Once done, click on the Add a permission option that will be displayed.


12. On the side panel, click on Microsoft Graph and then on Application permissions.


13.Locate the following groupers and check the following options:


Files.Read.All - Read files in all site collections.

Files.ReadWrite.All - Read and write files in all site collections.


Sites.Read.All - Read items in all site collections.

Sites.ReadWrite.All - Read and write items in all site collections.


14. Once done, click on the Add permissions button.


15. Still in the API permissions section, click on Grant consent and confirm.


16. Access the Certificates secrets Client secrets section and click on New client secret.


17. On the panel that will be displayed, fill out the Description field with the "admin" value and, on the Expires on field, select the "24 months" option. Once done, click on Add.


18. At this point, the client secret will be displayed in the listing. Copy the content shown in the Value column and store it in a safe location, as it is the Client secret which will be used to configure the API in the general parameters of SE Document.


19. After performing the configurations above, access the SE Document component, Configuration General parameters menu and in the Microsoft OneDrive section, perform the parameterizations needed.


The Microsoft OneDrive API will be used by SE Document on the menus where you can edit and view electronic files, but only while the revision of the document to which the electronic file belongs is in progress.

This API is compatible with files with the following extensions: .docx, .odt, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .pptx, and .odp.

When trying to edit files with a non-compatible extension such as .doc or .xls, the system will not allow the operation. It will be necessary to manually save the file in a compatible extension.

By using this API, resources such as docvariables and watermarks will not be applied.


General parameters

This section must only be filled out to enable the integration of SE Document with the OneDrive API.

On the Configuration General parameters menu, access the Microsoft One Drive section and perform the following configurations:




Enable editing with Microsoft OneDrive

Allows viewing and editing electronic files of the documents through the OneDrive applications.

Thus, the fields described below will be enabled to be filled out. For that, first it is necessary to perform the necessary configurations on Microsoft Azure. Once done, perform the necessary configurations in this section.

The electronic files of the documents will be edited/viewed through the viewer configured in the Application section.

In this case, the fields described below can be ignored.

Tenant ID: Enter the directory (tenant) ID that was obtained from the Azure Active Directory properties.

User ID: Enter the user ID of the user whose OneDrive will be used to store the files.

Client ID: Enter the application (client) ID obtained during the configuration in the Azure Active Directory menu.

Client Secret: Enter the client secret value obtained during the application configuration in the Azure Active Directory.




Convert files to PDF using OneDrive

The system will use OneDrive to convert the electronic files of documents to PDF, as long as publishing in PDF is configured in their category.

The default system conversion will be used (File manager or the server itself).

The OneDrive API is compatible with files with the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .potm, .odp and .pdf.

When the (administrator) accounts are switched, the files will remain linked to the old account. Thus, the changes made with this account will be lost. In order not to lose information, make sure the files have been released before switching accounts.


View electronic file

This operation can be performed through some of the main screens and certain SE Document data screens, as well as through the data screens of other SE Suite components in which there is the association of documents to the element of the component.

To successfully view it, the logged user must have the "View" control enabled in the security list of the document to which the electronic file belongs.

It is also necessary to enter the same e-mail address that the user will use in OneDrive when registering the user in the system.


When OneDrive integration is enabled and properly configured in the general parameters:

If the document has a revision in progress, by clicking on the button on the toolbar of the Execution Revision, My Tasks Execution Document revision and My Tasks Tracking Revision tracking menus, the electronic file will be opened in the compatible OneDrive application.

In other screens the file will be opened by the viewer configured in the Application tab of the general parameters according to their extension.

In the Document File Document (DC003) and Document View Document (DC021) menus, the electronic file can also be viewed through the compatible OneDrive application, as long as the logged user has the "Save locally" and "View" controls enabled in the security list of the document to which the electronic file belongs. To do that, simply click on the button on the toolbars of the aforementioned menus.


The OneDrive API is compatible for viewing with files with the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .potm, .odp and .pdf.


Edit electronic file

This operation can be performed through some of the SE Document main screens and through the document data screen. To successfully edit it, it is necessary that:

The document is found in the revision draft or indexing stage, or if the document does not have a revision or indexing stage, this operation must be performed during its registration.

The logged user has the "Edit" control enabled in the security list of the document to which the electronic file belongs.


To do that, perform the following steps:

1.In the list of records on the screen in which this feature is available, locate and select the desired document.


2.Click on the toolbar button. If the selected document has more than one electronic file, a screen will be displayed to define which file you wish to edit. Select the desired file and click on the button on the toolbar of the displayed screen.