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Using Google Docs for electronic files

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The SE Document allows you to use Google Docs to perform the collaborative editing of the electronic files during the revision of the documents. That way, the file will be opened through the browser in the Google editor and, upon closing the revision, it will be stored again in the SE Document.

In order for Google Drive API integration with SE Document to be successful, you must first configure the following configurations:


Google Developer Console

1.Access the Google Developer Console and log in with your email. This will be the email address of the service account owner and will be used when you set up the Google Drive API on the general parameters of SE Document.


2.Click on the Select a project option and, on the screen that will be opened, click on the New project option.


3.On the screen that will be displayed, fill out the Project name field with a name that identifies the project being created. If necessary, it is possible to edit the project code.


4.After that, click on Create.


5.Click once again on the Select a project option, select the previously created project on the screen that will be opened and then, click on the Open option.


6.Access the menu located in the upper left corner and select the IAM and Administrator Service accounts option.


7.Then, click on the Create service account option:

a.In the Service account details step, the following fields are available:

Service account name: Enter a name that identifies the service account.

Service account ID: This field is automatically filled out, but it is possible to edit it. In this case, enter a code for the service account.

Service account description: If desired, describe how the service account will be used.

b.After that, click on Create and continue.

c.In the Grant the service account access to the project (optional) step, select, in the Select role field, the Project Editor option.

d.Click on Continue.

e.In the Grant the user access to this service account (optional), click on Finish.


8.At this point, the Service accounts menu will be displayed for the previously created project. In the Actions column, click on Manage keys.

a.On the screen that will be displayed, click on Add key Create new key.

b.Select the P12 option and click on Create.

c.A screen will be opened stating that the private key was saved to your computer and a .p12 file will be downloaded.

d.Close the screen displayed.

e.Store the .p12 file in a safe location, as it will be used to configure the Google Drive API in the SE Document general parameters.


9.Return to the Service accounts menu of the previously created project. In the Actions column, click on the Manage details option. On the screen that will be displayed, copy the values displayed in the Exclusive ID and E-mail fields and store it in a safe location, as they will be used to configure the API integration in the general parameters of SE Document.


10. Access the menu in the upper left corner again, select the APIs and services option and click on the APIs and activated services option. Locate and click on the Google Drive API option.


11. On the screen that will be displayed, click on the Enable option.


12. After that, access Google Drive to make sure that the user has access to it.


13. After performing the configurations above, access the SE Document component, the Configuration General parameters menu and, in the general parameters section, perform the necessary parameterizations.


The API is compatible with files with the following extensions: .docx, .odt, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .pptx, .odp, .rtf and .txt.

If .doc, .xls or .ppt files are edited, they will be converted to .docx, .xlsx and .pptx, respectively.

By using this API, resources such as docvariables and watermarks will not be applied. In the case of .xlsx documents, the printing area resource will also not be available.


General parameters

To enable the integration between SE Document and Google Drive API, in the Configuration General parameters menu, access the Google Drive section and perform the following configurations:




Enable editing with Google Drive

Allows viewing and editing electronic files of the documents through the Google Drive applications.

Thus, the fields described below will be enabled to be filled out. For that, first it is necessary to perform the necessary configurations on Google Developer Console and make sure the configured user has access to Google Drive. Once done, perform the necessary configurations in this section.

The electronic files of the documents will be edited/viewed through the viewer configured in the Application section.

In this case, the fields described below can be ignored.

Service account ID: Enter the exclusive code of the service account used to configure the integration with Google Drive.

Service account owner email: Enter the email used to configure the integration with Google Drive.

.P12 File: Click on the button, browse through the files saved in the computer and select the .p12 file created in the configuration of the integration with Google Drive.




Convert file to PDF using Google Drive

The system will use Google Drive to convert the electronic files of documents to PDF, as long as publishing in PDF is configured in their category.

The default system conversion will be used (File manager or the server itself).


Google Drive API is compatible with files with the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .potm, .odp, .pdf, .rtf and .txt.

When the (administrator) accounts are switched, the files will remain linked to the old account. Thus, the changes made with this account will be lost. In order not to lose information, make sure the files have been released before switching accounts.


Once done, save the changes.


View electronic file

This operation can be performed through some of the main screens and certain SE Document data screens, as well as through the data screens of other SE Suite components in which there is the association of documents to the element of the component.


To successfully view it, the logged user must have the "View" control enabled in the security list of the document to which the electronic file belongs.


It is also necessary to enter the same e-mail address that the user will use in OneDrive when registering the user in the system.


To view, perform the following steps:

1.In the list of records on the screen in which this feature is available, locate and select the desired document.


Through the "EF" column on the main screens of SE Document, it is possible to view the electronic files of the documents in a quick way. If the document has a single associated file, click on the icon displayed and the file will be opened for viewing. When the document has more than one associated electronic file, the icon will be displayed. After clicking on it, the list of associated files will be displayed. Click on the desired file and it will be opened for viewing.

If the "Double click electronic file to view it" option is checked in the General tab of the general parameters, the electronic files can also be viewed by double clicking on the document to which they belong.

This quick access will not be available if the document status is "Issue".


2.Click on the toolbar button. If the selected document has more than one electronic file, a screen will be displayed to define which file you wish to view. Select the desired file and click on the button on the toolbar of the displayed screen.


If the same document has more than one .pdf or .tif file associated with it, they can be viewed at the same time if the viewer corresponding to each format is enabled in the general parameters.


3.At this point, the electronic file will open.


4.In the File Document and View Document menus, the "View electronic file on Google Drive" option will be displayed. By clicking on it, the electronic file will be opened in the compatible application.

If the document has a revision in progress, click on the button on the menu toolbar:

oExecution Revision;

oMy Tasks (Execution) Document revision;

oMy Tasks (Tracking) Revision tracking.

The electronic file will be opened in the compatible Google Drive application.

In other screens the file will be opened by the viewer configured in the Application tab of the general parameters according to their extension.


The Google Drive API is compatible for viewing with files with the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .potm, .odp, .pdf, .rtf and .txt.

If the connected user has the "Save locally" control enabled, the file will be copied to the machine and the user will be able to edit it, but this copy will not be replicated in SE Document.

If the "HTML5 PDF Viewer" is defined in the general parameters, when viewing PDF files through it, the option to view the file through Google Drive will be displayed in the toolbar.

To successfully view it, the logged user must have the "View" control enabled in the security list of the document to which the electronic file belongs.


Edit electronic file

This operation can be performed through some of the SE Document main screens and through the document data screen. To successfully edit it, it is necessary that:

The document is found in the revision draft or indexing stage, or if the document does not have a revision or indexing stage, this operation must be performed during its registration.

The logged user has the "Edit" control enabled in the security list of the document to which the electronic file belongs.


To do that, perform the following steps:

1.In the list of records on the screen in which this feature is available, locate and select the desired document.


2.Click on the toolbar button. If the selected document has more than one electronic file, a screen will be displayed to define which file you wish to edit. Select the desired file and click on the button on the toolbar of the displayed screen.


3.At this point, the electronic file will be opened for the changes to be made.


4.If the document has a revision in progress, by clicking on the button in the Execution Revision and My Tasks (Execution) Document revision menus, the electronic file will be opened in the compatible Google Drive application.

In other screens the file will be opened by the viewer configured in the Application tab of the general parameters according to their extension.


The Google Drive API is compatible with files with the following extensions: .docx, .odt, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .pptx, .odp, .rtf and .txt.