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SE Document enables the use of DocuSign® to digitally sign the electronic files of documents. For the DocuSign® integration with SE Document to be successfully performed, it is first necessary to perform the following configurations:


1.Access the DocuSign portal and login with a user with Admin privileges. This user and password will be used in the general parameters of SE Document to configure the integration with DocuSign.


2.Click on the user photo and, on the panel that will be opened, click on the Go to Admin option.


3.On the screen that will be displayed, locate the Integrations grouper and click on API and keys.


4.Then, click on the Add app / Integration key button.


5.On the panel that will be displayed, enter a name for the application.


6.After that, click on Add.


7.On the screen that will be displayed, copy the value of the Integration key field and store it in a safe location, as it is the Integrator key which will be used to configure the integration with DocuSign in the general parameters of SE Document.


8.In the Additional settings Redirect URIs section, click on the Add URI button. On the field that will be displayed, enter the URI that will be used by SE Suite, according to the following example:


Replace the domain value with your domain


9.Next, click on the Save button at the bottom part of the screen.


10. On the side panel, locate the Integrations grouper again and click on Connect.


11. Click on the Add configuration button and then on the Customized option.


12.On the screen that will be displayed, fill in the following fields:

Name: Enter the application name defined in step 5.

Publishing URL (HTTPS necessary): Enter the same URI entered in step 8.

Add: Check the "Document PDFs" option.

Envelope events: Check the Signed/finished envelope option only.


The other configurations must be maintained as default, that is, they should not be edited.


13. Once done, click on the Add button.


14. After performing the configurations above, access the SE Document component, the Configuration General parameters menu and, in the Digital signature section, perform the necessary parameterizations.


To digitally sign documents via DocuSign successfully, after configuring the integration, the "Via DocuSign" option must be selected. In the document category, it is also possible to define a template that will be used for the digital signature. The available templates are those configured through the Template menu on DocuSign. Refer to the specific DocuSign documentation for a detailed description on how to create and configure templates.