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Electronic signature

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Firstly, it is important to know that electronic signature is a genre of which digital signature is a part, that is, electronic signature involves all signature types that use electronic means as validation. Some examples of this technology are signature with passwords, such as the ones used for banking operations, and digital signature.


Thus, it is important to know that all digital signatures are electronic, but not all electronic signatures are digital. Whether by typing a security code to confirm a bank transfer or by using a digital certificate to perform operations on the IRS website, electronic validation offers higher protection to the operations, agility in business making, practicality and cost saving on paper, ink, and other office supplies.


On daily operations, electronic signatures can be applied to several types of documents. As they are legally valid, they can be used to close contracts on rent, insurance, health insurance, HR documents, purchase and sale for customers and suppliers, service subscriptions, banking operations, legal notifications, among other possibilities.


It is important to know that the use of this format eases the closure of procedures and steps and ensures the integrity and authenticity of all parties.


SE Document allows using electronic signature on documents through the following integrations:




