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SE Document enables the use of SignOn® to digitally sign the electronic files of documents. For the integration between SignOn® and SE Document to be performed successfully, first it is necessary to perform the following configurations:


1.Access the SignOn portal and log in.


2.Then, in the side panel, access the Administration Client configuration and click on Insert new configuration.


3.On the screen that will be displayed, fill out the following fields:


Integration name: Enter a name for the integration.

API KEY: Click on Generate new Key to define an API KEY.

URL WEBHOOK: Enter the URL that will be used by SE Suite, according to the following example:


Replace the domain value with your domain.

KEY WEBHOOK: Click on Generate new Key to define a KEY WEBHOOK.


4.After filling out the required fields, save the record.


Store the values generated by the "API KEY" and "KEY WEBHOOK" fields in a safe location to use them when configuring the digital signature in SE Document, so that the integration is performed successfully.

The value generated in the API KEY field will be used in the "Client ID" field in the digital signature configuration screen.

The value generated in the KEY WEBHOOK field will be used in the "Key for Webhook" field in the digital signature configuration screen.