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Digital signature in documents

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See how to digitally sign an electronic file:


First of all, make sure that the following prerequisites have being met:

There must be a valid certificate installed on the user's machine.

The allowed certificates must be duly created in the configuration of the Digital signature selected in the category of the document whose electronic files will be signed.

The user who performs this operation must belong to the security list of the document and have the "Sign" permission enabled.


1.To make the signature, it is necessary to access the system screen that has the digital signature feature. After that, select the desired files.


2.With the files selected, click on the button on the data screen toolbar or button on the main screen toolbar. If a single document is selected for signing and it has more than one electronic file, a screen will be displayed to confirm the selection of the files you wish to sign. If several documents are selected for signing, all files of the selected documents will be signed.


3.At this point, the screen will open showing all valid certificates installed on the user's machine and which were allowed in the category of the document whose electronic files are being signed.

Use the "Display certificate" button to view the general information, the details and the certificate path selected in the list of records.

If the "Allow entering the place for the signature stamp" is checked in the configuration of the Digital signature recorded in the category of the document whose file will be signed, before signing, the user must select the place in which the stamp will be added to the PDF file.


4.Select the desired certificate and then click on the Sign button.


5.Once done, the signature process screen will open.


6.Wait for the process to be finished and, if there is no error, press the OK button to exit the digital signature screen.


After signing the document, click on the green icon in the "DS" column to view the data of the signature in the electronic file.

If the signed file has .pdf extension, the digital signature data will be added to the file. The information may be viewed when accessing the signature data through the file viewer.

If the "Add digital signature timestamp to PDF files" is checked in the configuration of the Digital signature recorded in the category of the signed document, the information for each signature applied to the .PDF files will be displayed on the last page of the file.