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Editing the status of a document

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SE Document allows cancelling and releasing documents, as well as finishing contracts. Taking into account the method used to perform these operations is similar, it will be described only in this section and the differences that arise will be mentioned.


Only those users who belong to the document security list and have "Cancel" control enabled can perform this operation.


To edit the status of a document, first, locate and select it in the main screen list of records. Use the CTRL and SHIFT keys on the keyboard or check next to each record to select more than one document at a time.


Then, in the toolbar, click on the More button and select the desired option:



Cancelling a document

Allows cancelling the document, regardless of the step it is in. If the document has copies in use, it will not possible to cancel it.

Releasing a document

Allows releasing a cancelled document or a closed contract.

Closing a contract

This option is only valid for documents with the content of the contract type. It allows user to close a contract, regardless of the step it is in.


On the screen that will open up, enter an explanation to perform the previously selected operation:


This image refers to the release of a document. The screen to cancel a document and close a contrat is the same

This image refers to the release of a document. The screen to cancel a document and close a contrat is the same


Next, click on the Finish option. The document will start to be displayed with the Cancelled status, Closed contract or will return to the status in which it was before being canceled/closed, in the list of records.


When the document is cancelled, the system sends the "Document cancellation" notification for users with the "Acknowledgment" control enabled in the security list of this document.