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Executing external applications

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The access to the electronic file viewer screens and some SE Document features will depend on the configurations performed in the general parameters and whether it is the first access:


1.When accessing the file/resource for the first time, the system will display a screen explaining that, in order to open them more easily the next time, it is necessary to authorize the execution of the application in the browser.


2.Click on the OK, I got it! option that will appear at the bottom of the screen.


3.At this point, the .jnlp/executable .NET file will be downloaded according to the configurations performed in the general parameters:




Use Java for viewing/editing an electronic file*

The .jnlp file will be downloaded and it must be executed manually. For a proper operation of this resource, it is necessary for Java to be installed in the workstation.

The .NET executable will be downloaded and it must be executed manually. For a proper operation of this resource, it is necessary for the .NET Framework to be installed in the workstation.

*This parameter does not affect Linux workstations.


4.When you open an application that is external to the browser, you may request the permission to execute it:


Google Chrome

If the "Use Java for viewing/editing an electronic file" parameter is:

Checked: The "Open SoftExpert Protocol?" message will be displayed. Check the "Remember my choice for SoftExpert Protocol app links" option so that this message does not appear again and the external application opens automatically.

Unchecked: The "Open URIGeneric.exe?" message will be displayed. Check the "Always open this type of link in the associated app" option so that this message is not displayed again and the external application is automatically opened.

Internet Explorer

The "Do you wish to allow this site to open a program on your computer?" message will be displayed. Uncheck the "Always ask before opening this type of address" option so that this message does not appear again and the external application opens automatically.


Done that, on the next accesses, a screen informing that an external application to the browser is being opened will be displayed. Therefore, it will no longer be necessary to repeat the procedure described previously. By default, the system will download and execute the .jnlp file/.NET application automatically, making it easier to access the screen. If this does not happen, the "Click to open" button will be available to manually open the screen.