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Configuring the physical file of a document

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This control allows managing the archiving of the documents of this category through SE Archive. In order for this feature to work correctly, it is necessary that the SE Archive component is part of the solutions acquired for its organization.


To configure the physical file of a document, perform the following steps:


1.Access the Configuration Category menu.


2.Select the desired category and click on the button.


3.In the Control tab, enable the Physical file section.


4.Then, configure the following fields:

Record retention schedule

Select the record retention schedule previously registered in the SE Archive component that will manage the events and standardize the criteria for archiving and discarding documents (physical files) of the category. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new record retention schedule (SE Archive) and clear the field.

Refer to Configuring a new record retention schedule section in the specific SE Archive documentation for further details on how to perform this operation.


Loan confirmation deadline

Enter the number of days until which the receiving confirmation of the physical record of the document in this category, whose loan was requested, must be performed.

Return original document in

Enter the number of days until which the physical record of the document in this category that was loaned must be returned.


5.Save the configurations performed.