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Managing the physical file of a document

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This feature allows monitoring the process of archiving the physical version of the document in the SE Archive component. If the logged user has the Archive control enabled and is responsible for archiving in the archive record retention schedule associated with the category, they can perform the archiving in a defined stage or the transfer of document repository through this section.


See below how to manage a physical file:


1.Access the File Document menu.


2.Then, locate and select the record in the list of records and click on the button on the toolbar.


3.On the upper part of the document data screen, click on the "Physical file". The following sections will be available:


In this section, the information regarding current archiving will be displayed if this step was defined in the archive record retention schedule associated with the document category.


Transfer form

Displays the ID # of the transfer form. Click the button to view the transfer form data screen.


Displays the date in which the archiving was performed.

Retention deadline

Displays the deadline for the document to remain archived in this stage. Click on the button placed next to this field to view the data screen of the record schedule (SE Archive) applied to the document.

Archived by

Displays the name of the user who performed the archiving.


Displays the department of the user who performed the archiving.


Displays the path of the repository in which the (physical) document was archived:

If the archiving has not been performed yet, it is possible to archive the document through the button next to the field. On the screen that will open, define the repository in which the document will be archived. After selecting the archiving repository, the system will automatically perform the issuing and receiving of the transfer form. The system will issue an alert stating that after archiving the document, it is not possible to return it to the previous step and asking if you wish to confirm the operation. Confirm to archive the document:

If the document has already been archived, when clicking on the button next to the field, it will be possible to edit the repository in which it is stored. On the screen that will open, define the new repository in which the document will be archived.

Refer to the Current archiving section of the specific SE Archive component documentation for a detailed description on how to perform this operation. It will not be possible to archive documents that are loaned or in progress.



In this section, the information regarding intermediate archiving will be displayed if this step was defined in the archive record retention schedule associated with the category.


Transfer form

Displays the ID # of the transfer form. Click the button to view the transfer form data screen.


Displays the date in which the archiving was performed.

Retention deadline

Displays the deadline for the document to remain archived in this stage. Click on the button placed next to this field to view the data screen of the record schedule (SE Archive) applied to the document.

Archived by

Displays the name of the user who performed the archiving.


Displays the department of the user who performed the archiving.


Displays the path of the repository in which the (physical) document was archived:

If the archiving has not been performed yet, it is possible to archive the document through the button next to the field. On the screen that will open, define the repository in which the document will be archived. After selecting the archiving repository, the system will automatically perform the issuing and receiving of the transfer form. The system will issue an alert stating that after archiving the document, it is not possible to return it to the previous step and asking if you wish to confirm the operation. Confirm to archive the document:

If the document has already been archived, when clicking on the button next to the field, it will be possible to edit the repository in which it is stored. On the screen that will open, define the new repository in which the document will be archived.

Refer to the Intermediate archiving section of the specific SE Archive component documentation for a detailed description on how to perform this operation. It will not be possible to archive documents that are loaned or in progress.


Media burning

In this section, the information regarding the document media burning record will be displayed if this step was defined in the physical file record retention schedule associated with the category.


Transfer form

Displays the ID # of the transfer form. Click the button to view the transfer form data screen.


Displays the date in which the media was burned.

Burned by

Displays the name of the user who performed the media burning.

Media type

Displays the media type used for the document.


Displays the position of the document in the media where it was recorded.


Displays the medium used for the document. Click on the button placed next to this field to view the medium data screen.


Final destination

In this section, the information regarding the final disposal of the document will be displayed if this step was defined in the archive record retention schedule associated with the document category.


Transfer form

Displays the ID # of the transfer form. Click the button to view the transfer form data screen.


Displays the date on which the final disposal of the document was performed.

Retention deadline

Displays the deadline for the document to remain archived in this stage. Click on the button placed next to this field to view the data screen of the record schedule (SE Archive) applied to the document.

Archived by

Displays the name of the user who performed the final disposal of the document.


Displays the department of the user who performed the final disposal of the document.

External storage

This field will only be displayed if the final destination configured in the archive record retention schedule associated with the document category is Store permanently Send to external file. In this case, it displays the data of the external storage to which the document was destined.


This field will only be valid if the final destination configured in the archive record retention schedule associated with the document category is Store permanently Associate new repository. In this case, it displays the path of the repository to which the document was destined:

If the archiving has not been performed yet, it is possible to archive the document through the button next to the field. On the screen that will open, define the repository in which the document will be archived. After selecting the archiving repository, the system will automatically perform the issuing and receiving of the transfer form. The system will issue an alert stating that after archiving the document, it is not possible to return it to the previous step and asking if you wish to confirm the operation. Confirm to archive the document:

If the document has already been archived, when clicking on the button next to the field, it will be possible to edit the repository in which it is stored. On the screen that will open, define the new repository in which the document will be archived.

View the Final destination section of the specific SE Archive component documentation for more details on the options available for the final destination of documents.


Service record

This section displays all requests and service records related to the document physical record. Click on the sidebar button to view the record data screen. Refer to the Request or Execution sections from the specific SE Archive component documentation for more details on requests and services related to physical records.


4.Save the records after the changes.