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Metadata is data generated by the system, from the mapping of relations and use of an electronic document during its life cycle and that provides information about its context and structure.

SoftExpert Document allows configuring the export of the registered documents data for its use, later, as docvariables in electronic files, thus keeping the information updated in an automated way.

By default, the SE Document displays in the list of records the metadata export configuration "Default metadata" properly configured.


This section will cover the following operations:


Adding a metadata export

Adding docvariables - LibreOffice

Adding docvariables - MSExcel

Adding docvariables - MSWord

Adding metadata

Defining a metadata type

Editing a metadata export

Tracking the metadata completion

Using docvariables in electronic files


See a quick and easy way of using docvariables in the "Use docvariables" topic of the SE Document Quick Guide!

The docvariables are compatible only with DocView (for .doc and .docx files only), ExcelView (for .xls and .xlsx files only) and LibreOffice (for .odt files only) viewers. See more information in the Using docvariables in electronic files section.

The configuration of metadata export performed through this menu replaces the former configuration procedure of the .exp file.