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Adding docvariables - MSWord

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See in this section how to add docvariables to MSWord documents.


The docvariables will not be filled out correctly if the electronic file is edited by a Google Drive or Office365 application.


To add the docvariable, open the file:

Through MSWord itself, before uploading the electronic file to the document.

Through DocView, after uploading the electronic file to the document. See the restrictions and necessary permissions to perform this operation in the Using docvariables in electronic files section.


Then, define the location of the file to which the docvariable will be added. In the following example, the docvariable will be added to the header, next to the Document title. To do so, click after the colon to place the marker correctly and access the Add tab Quick parts Field:



On the screen that will open, choose the Docvariable (A) option, enter the name of the docvariable you wish to enter in the New name (B) field and then click on OK. Repeat this procedure to add all the desired docvariables to the electronic file.



Note that the name of the docvariable should be the same name of the metadata configured in exportation.


Save the changes and close the electronic file. Once this is done, make sure that the field has been filled out correctly with the respective document information.



If you wish to identify the docvariables used in an MSWord file, press Alt + F9 while the file is open. This way, it is possible to check, for example, if the docvariable is equal to the metadata name. After performing the necessary verifications, press Alt + F9 again, as SE Suite will not fill out the docvariables if this function is enabled.