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Adding metadata

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To add the metadata that will be exported, perform the following steps:


1.Access the Configuration Document Metadata export menu.


2.Select the record to be exported and click on the button.


3.On the export data screen, click on the button on the side toolbar.


4.On the screen that will be opened, enter a name for the metadata. This name should be used in the configuration of the docvariables, for instance in a Word text or in the name of cells in Excel.


5.Select the option that corresponds to the type of the metadata that will be exported. See a detailed description of the types available for selection in the Defining a metadata type topic below.


6.Fill out the other fields that may be displayed according to the selected metadata type. See a detailed description of the fields that may be displayed for completion in the Defining a metadata type topic below.


7.Save the record. Repeat the procedure to add all metadata you wish to export.