Use the Search filters, located on the left side of the main screen, to locate the item that will be associated with the customer. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard or click on the SEARCH button located in the search filters panel for the items to be listed on the right part of the main screen.
Select the desired item and click on the button on the toolbar to associate the customer. Fill in the following fields on the data screen that will be displayed:

Select the customer company of the item.
Customer item #
Enter the number of the item in the customer.
Customer revision #
Enter the revision number of the item in the customer.
Customer drawing #
Enter the of the drawing of the item in the customer.
Customer drawing date
Select the date of the drawing of the item in the customer.
Use as default
Check this option for the customer to be used as default. That is, for them to become the main customer of the item among the listed options.
Save the record after filling out the necessary fields.