This panel displays all the items that may be used in the process flowcharts. The following is a brief description of each of these items:
This section displays the general data of the item selected in the flowchart. For details of how to configure the fields in this section, refer to the Editing item names section.
The activities represent actions in the process that may be executed by a person or by a system:

Process item that incorporates and implements procedures, rules, and policies. It is an item that represents an action that must be executed by a user. The responsible for executing it may be a user, department, third-party entity, or functional role.

Process item in which a decision must be taken. Provides sequence to the flow when one of the paths reaches the gateway.

This process item is similar to the user activity; however, the system activity is executed by the system. Therefore, it has no human user responsible for executing it.

Process item that refers to another process that will be reused in the flow it is inserted in. In other words, a sub-process is a process that is part of another process as an item is, like an activity or decision.

Send message
This activity allows the user to email a message at the time of the execution in the process flow. Use the data from this activity to configure the email that will be sent.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Message receiving
This activity indicates that a message must be received. The way this activity operates is similar to the message receiving event.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Message receiving (start)
This activity is similar to the "Message receiving" activity; however, the user is advised to use it at the beginning of the process.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Represents an activity that will be performed without the aid of any execution mechanism, either a business process or an application.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Business rule
This activity allows the process to send and receive data from a business rule mechanism.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Script execution
This activity must be performed externally by a business process mechanism.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.
The elements of division control and unification flow:

Parallel (AND)
Requires all inputs to be executed to trigger all their outputs. It may be used to split the flow into two or more, to execute them parallelly. It may also be used to unify several paths in one, giving sequence only when all input paths are completed.

Exclusive (XOR)
Allows the flow to continue through an exclusive condition where only one of the paths will be followed, based on tested information. The first input that is executed makes the process to advance and only one of its outputs will be executed, that is, the first input is enough to trigger a single output. The output will be executed according to the rules determined through the SE Suite formula editor.

Both inputs and outputs are pre-configured through verification conditions (in inputs) and formulas (in outputs).

Inclusive (OR)
Allows the flow to continue through one or more flows. It may be used to split the flow, where an inclusive condition will allow one flow to continue, or a combination of paths, based on information to be checked. It may also be used to unify several paths, by means of the synchronization of all the active flows in a single one.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Exclusive event (start)
This gateway should only be used for flow division where any planned event may start a process.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Exclusive event (intermediate)
This gateway should only be used for flow division whose choice of condition regarding the path to be followed is dependent on the exclusive occurrence of one of the events.

Parallel event (start)
This gateway should only be used for flow division where a process should be started based on the occurrence of multiple events.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.
The elements of the flow organization:

A lane determines the participants who will complete the process to which it belongs. See more details about Lanes in the Adding and configuring Lanes section.
This section contains the elements that make the connection to control the flows of the process items. The items in this section are:

Sequence flow
It is used to make the connection between items, to set the execution order of the connected items in a sequence. Represents the flow sequence in which the activities are executed in the process, connecting activities, gateways, and events. See more details in the Connecting flowchart items section.

It is used to make the connection between an artifact and an activity, event, or structural element. Associates artifacts with flow elements. See more details in the Connecting flowchart items section.

Message flow
Represents a message flow and is used to display the communication between two entities or processes.
Complementary elements with visual information in the diagram and elements that represent the process data:

This element should be used to add complementary notes to the process diagram.

This button allows highlighting a group of components for purely visual purposes.

Data object
Any kind of information whose representation is important for the understanding of the process flow. It may represent a document, form, etc.

Collection of data objects
Represents a group of information whose representation is important for the understanding of the process flow. For example, it may represent a set of documents.

Data input
Represents any kind of information that will be used to draft an activity, decision, or sub-process.

Data output
Represents the information generated through the execution of an activity, decision, or sub-process.

Represents a repository of information of any type (database, file system, etc.), which may be viewed or updated when performing a task.

It is a business process container. It is only allowed one process per pool. The pool name represents the business process contained in it. It may be drawn horizontally or vertically.
Marks the beginning of the process, waiting for the occurrence of an event (catch) to start it. In some sub-processes, it may be interrupting (solid line, the main process is interrupted) or non-interrupting (dashed line, the flow is started in parallel with the main process).

This event indicates the process start. It works as a trigger to start the execution, having no particular need for any special factor to start the process.

This event indicates the process will be started in a predetermined period, that is, the process will be started depending on a determined time condition (date or period).

This event indicates the process will be started from the moment a message is received.

This event indicates the process will be started when a logical condition becomes true.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

This event indicates the process will be started when a sign from another process is captured.

This event indicates that multiple events must be expected to start the process, but just a single one of them is enough to start it.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Parallel multiple
This event indicates that multiple events will have to be expected to start the process and all of them will have to occur to start it.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.
Indicates a point in the flow in which an event is planned to occur. When used to wait for an event, the marker is white (catch). When used to launch an event, the marker is dark (throw).

This event indicates the process will have to wait for the time condition to continue the flow.

Message (send)
This event indicates a message will be sent (throw). It allows the sending of standardized messages, through templates, containing information that is inserted in the process data during its execution.

Message (receive)
This event indicates a message should be received (catch). The process will wait for message receiving to continue the flow.

Indicates that the process is going through a business exception, launching the event to be captured by the process that is one level above.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Indicates the process has gone into a status that requires compensation, throwing (throw) the event to the upper level process to compensate its execution.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

This event indicates the process must be paused until a determined condition becomes true.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Link (receive)
This event allows a more elegant connection between the two flow ends of the same process. There should be at least one sending event for each receiving event.

Link (send)
This event allows a more elegant connection between the two flow ends of the same process. There should be at least one receiving event for each sending event.

Signal (receive)
This event indicates the process will have to wait for the receiving (catch) of a sign to continue the resulting flow.

Signal (send)
This event indicates that during execution the system will issue (throw) a sign to another(other) process(es).

Multiple (receive)
This event indicates that the process will have to wait for the occurrence of one among multiple events (catch) and that any of them can start the flow of the resulting event.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Multiple (send)
This event indicates that multiple events will be thrown during execution (throw).
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.

Parallel multiple
This event indicates that several events are expected to continue the process (catch), and that all must occur for the flow to continue.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow.
Mark where the process flow ends. A process can have more than one end. It may only throw events (throw) as the last occurrence of the process.

End point
This item indicates the process flow ended without generating any particular event. If there are no other parallel items, the end point event will close the instance.

This item indicates a message will be sent to another process when the flow ends.
Note: To finish the instance, it has the same behavior as the "End point" end event.

This item indicates the process ended with an error from the business organization point of view.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow. This item has the same behavior as the "End point" end event.

This item indicates the process execution has been cancelled.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow. This item has the same behavior as the "End point" end event.

This item indicates the process ended with compensation needed.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow. This item has the same behavior as the "End point" end event.

This item allows the process to be finished by sending a signal (broadcast) to other process(es). This signal may be caught by sign reception activities or events in other processes.
Note: To finish the instance, this item has the same behavior as the "End point" end event.

This item allows the process to be finished, guaranteeing any parallel flow is cancelled (the process is completely closed).

This item allows several events to be thrown at the end of the process. All thrown events must occur.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow. This item has the same behavior as the "End point" end event.

The process (sub-process) ends with a business exception, throwing this event to be captured by the process that is one level above.
Note: This item has a document character and does not have automation in Workflow. This item has the same behavior as the "End point" end event.

This element can be used to add titles or legends to the flowchart areas.