See the details of each button on this panel:

Use this button to save any changes made in the flowchart, remaining, however, on the flowchart screen.
Save and exit
Use this button to save the changes you made and close the flowchart screen next.
Enable editing
This button will only be displayed when the process has simplified revision control. Click on this button to enable a revision (editing) of the flowchart and process data. This button must be clicked so that you can edit process modeling in addition to the process data.
Release version
This button will appear when the editing of the process has been enabled. Click on this button so that the changes are released through a new version. This functionality is presented only in processes whose type is not configured with the revision control.
Discard changes
This button will be displayed when the process editing has been enabled, allowing any changes to be discarded. This functionality is presented only in processes whose type is not configured with the revision control.
Accept revision
This button will be displayed for processes with ISO9000 revision in progress. Use this option to execute the revision and send it to the next revision step. If the closure step has been configured, after accepting the revision, it will be sent to the closure step; otherwise, the revision will be automatically closed.
Reject revision
This button will be displayed for processes with ISO9000 revision in progress. Use this option to return the revision to the draft step. This option is displayed only in the review, approval or release steps.
Delete revision
This button will be displayed for processes with ISO9000 revision in progress. Use this option to delete the revision. This option is only not displayed in the closure step, if it has been configured.
Evaluating a process
Use this button to check if the process has any error that prevents it from being instantiated.
View the Evaluating a process for instantiation section to obtain details of this functionality and the errors/solutions that can be found.
Instantiate process
When clicked, it creates an instance of the process that is being revised, allowing the user to check the changes made to the flow.
The created instance will be presented for execution in the component of its automation, that is, SE Workflow, SE Incident or SE Problem.
Record data
Use this button to view or edit the data of the process whose flowchart is being modeled. When the process type is configured with the revision control, you will only be able to make changes to the process data through this button.
Use this button to perform a process simulation. This simulation allows the user to identify critical points and bottlenecks in the process, allowing also to evaluate the behavior of the process with different costs, resources, among others.
Refer to the Executing process simulations section to obtain further details on this functionality.
Use this button to translate the process. This feature allows translating the process and the process flowchart for them to be displayed according to the language of the user session. Localization is applied to the search grids, flowcharts, input & output diagrams, turtle diagrams, process trees and the Workflow, Incident and Problem instances.
Refer to the Process localization section to obtain further details on this functionality.
When selecting any item (Activity/decision, sub-process, gateway, event, etc.) in the flowchart, this button will be enabled, allowing you to edit its data.
When selecting any item (activity, decision, gateway, event, etc.) in the flowchart, this button will be enabled, allowing the user to make a copy of the selected item.
Click on this button to remove the selected item from the flowchart.
Reverse orientation
Click on this button to change the orientation of the flowchart from vertical to horizontal or from horizontal to vertical. The lane and all of its content will be moved to the new orientation.
Bring to front
Use this option to bring the selected item to front, that is, the selected item will be brought in front of all other flowchart items.
Send backwards
Use this option to move the selected item back, that is, the selected item will be the last layer, behind all other items in the flowchart.
Move to left/top
This button will be enabled as soon as a flowchart lane is selected, allowing you to move it up (when the orientation is horizontal) or to the left (when the orientation is vertical).
Move to right/down
This button will be enabled as soon as a flowchart lane is selected, allowing you to move it down (when the orientation is horizontal) or to the right (when the orientation is vertical).
Click on the arrow below this button to view the process in one of the following diagrams:
▪Process tree: Click on this button to view the diagram of Process tree in question. ▪Input/Output: Click on this button to view the diagram of Input/Output of the selected activity/decision or process/sub-process. ▪Turtle: Click on this button to view the diagram of Turtle of the selected activity/decision or process/sub-process. |
Exception path
Check this option to highlight the flows defined as Exception path.
Happy path
Check this option to highlight the flows defined as Happy path.
Value added
Check this option to highlight the activities that have been classified as value added in the flowchart (Yes or Mandatory) or not value added (No). The activities/decisions without value added will present a number next to the "No", indicating the waste defined in the activity. These wastes can be viewed quickly in a hint by hovering the mouse cursor over the "No".
Click on this button to generate the Process structure report. By clicking on this button, a screen will be displayed, allowing you to define what information will be displayed in the report.
Display pages
Check this option so that in the process view, the lines that delimit the pages used by the diagram are displayed in the flowchart.
By checking the Display pages option, if the pages are displayed in the "Landscape" format, this field will then be enabled, allowing you to change the page orientation to the Portrait format.
By checking the Display pages option, if the pages are displayed in the "Portrait" format, this field will then be enabled, allowing you to change the page orientation to the Landscape format.