Navigation:  Configuration > Classification > Decision type >

Configuring a decision type

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See how to configure a new decision type:



On the main screen toolbar, click on the new button.



Fill out the following fields on the data screen that will open up:




ID #: Enter a number/code that identifies decision type.

Name: Enter a name for the decision type.



On the General tab, general information about the decision type is available:

Upper level type: Select the decision type that is one level above record on the main screen hierarchical structure.

Use mask for identification: Select this field to enable the mask identification for decisions of this type. In that case, fill out the following fields:

Identification mask: Select the desired identification mask among those created through the Configuration arrowrgray Identification mask menu.

Enable ID # change: If this option is selected, it will be possible to manually change the ID # generated by the mask when this type of activity is created. Otherwise, it will not be allowed.



Save the record.