In this section, it is possible to perform the configurations related to the notifications to those involved in the task. To do that, the following subsections are available:
Date change: The system displays the configurations for sending notifications when the task execution dates are rescheduled, established in its type, but it is possible to edit them. To set this configuration, check the "Notify rescheduled date change?" option and complete the following fields:
▪Monitored field: Select the option that corresponds to the field that, when compared with the planned, must be monitored and have its changes notified. ▪Monitored action: Select the option that corresponds to the action taken regarding the task that must be monitored and have its changes notified. Use also the buttons on the side toolbar to define who will be notified of the task date changes:

Click on this button and, on the screen that will be displayed, locate and select who will be notified of the task date changes. Use the SHIFT or CTRL key on the keyboard or check next to each item to select more than one record at a time.

Click on this button to edit the notified user selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to delete the notified user from the list of records. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.
Notification: The system will display the configurations for the notification of those responsible for the deadline of the execution of the task, established in the project to which the task belongs, but it is possible to edit them. To perform this configuration, complete the following fields:
▪Notify on due date: Check this option for the responsible party to be notified before the day on which the deadline to execute the task expires. Use the Notify before field to enter how many days in advance the notification will be sent. ▪Notify on due date: Check this option for the responsible party to be notified on the day on which the deadline to execute the task expires. ▪Notify after due date: Check this option for the responsible party to be notified after the day on which the deadline to execute the task expired. Use the Notify after field to enter how many days the notification will be sent after the expiration deadline, and in the Frequency field, in days, the frequency in which the notification will be sent. ▪Subordinates' tasks: Check this option to define who will be notified about the task execution deadline related to the task, through the "Subordinate task" (SE Configuration) email notification. Fill in the following fields: •Notify leader of responsible user: Check this option for the leader of the responsible user to receive the execution status notification of the task regarding the project. •Specific user: Check this option and in the User field that will be enabled, select a specific user who will receive the notification related to the task execution regarding the project. •Go up to __ level(s): Enter how many levels above the leader of the responsible user will be notified about the execution of the task related to the project •Frequency: Enter the number of day(s) past due that the system will go up the hierarchy until it reaches the configured level.