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On the toolbar of the project schedule, the user can find several buttons and menus divided in the following tabs:




Gantt Chart

This is one of the visions (Gantt Chart, Control Gantt and Detailed Gantt) parameterized in the view profile for projects, configured by default in the system. If a customized view profile is associated in the type or in the project data screen, the Vision and columns it displays in the Project panel will vary according to the configuration performed in the view profile. To switch between visions, click on the arrow located below the current vision and select the desired vision.


Click on the arrow located below this option to view, in the Gantt panel, the comparison between the project duration with its planned, rescheduled, and performed range.



Click on this button and choose whether you wish to add a Project, Program, or Recurring project.

Summary task

Click on this button to add a task that may have lower level tasks.


Click on this button to add a new milestone.


Delete task

Click on this button to discard the task selected in the list of records.


Task data

Click this button to edit/view the data of the task selected in the project structure.

Task details

Click on this button to configure the details of the task selected in the project structure.


Click this button to cancel or reactivate the execution of the task selected in the project structure.


Click this button to replace data of one or more tasks selected in the project structure.


Use the buttons in this section to move, execute, and verify tasks.


File form

Click on this button to associate a file form with the project task selected in the structure.


Click on this button to associate a requirement with the project task selected in the structure.



Click on this button to expand the project structure in the Project panel if it is collapsed.


Click on this button to collapse the project structure in the Project panel if it is expanded.


Click on this button to increase the time scale in the Gantt panel, that is, to view the duration period of the tasks and subprojects in more detail. This operation may also be performed through the zoom slider control.


Click on this button to reduce the time scale in the Gantt panel, that is, to view the duration period of the tasks and subprojects in less detail. This operation may also be performed through the zoom slider control.

Fit to window

Click on this button to adjust the time range in the Gantt panel to the panel size.





Click on this button to allocate a resource to the task selected in the Project panel. This resource may be a human resource (labor) or an asset from the SE Asset component. See further details in the Allocating resources to tasks section.


Click on this button to access the calendar of the resource allocated to the task selected in the Project panel. See further details in the Viewing resource calendar section.


Click on this button to replace a resource that is allocated to the task selected in the Project panel by another resource. See further details in the Replacing resources allocated for tasks section.





Click this button to add a subproject to the structure of the project in question.


Project data

Click this button to view the data of the project whose SE GanttChart is being edited.





Select, in this field, the type of information that should be displayed in the vision. For example: Select the Milestone option for the system to display only milestone tasks in the vision (table and chart area).


Select, in this field, the type of information that should be displayed highlighted in yellow in the table area. For example: By selecting the Milestone option, all milestone tasks contained in the project structure will be displayed highlighted in yellow in the table area.

Use filter in timeline

Check this option for the configured filter to also be applied to the timeline of the project schedule, described right below.



Click on the arrow located below this option and check the options that correspond to the set of pre-configured columns with specific information on the tasks and subprojects that compose the project, which will be displayed in the Project panel. For a set not to be displayed, keep the corresponding option unchecked.


Critical path

Click on this button to view the sequence of tasks considered critical for the project. The critical path consists in a sequence of linked tasks that directly affect the end date of the project, i.e., if one of these tasks is past due, the project as a whole will also be. To hide the critical path of the project, simply click on the button again. For the critical path to be displayed successfully in the SE GanttChart of the project, it is necessary to configure it to be displayed so that the system performs the required calculations. Otherwise, by clicking on the "Critical path" button, the system will issue an alert message.





On the screen that will open, use the View field to define which information will be displayed on the left and right side of the bar that represents each task/subproject in the Gantt panel.

View profile

Save vision

Click on this button to save the customizations performed in the vision being used in the schedule. It is important to note that when saving customizations, they will only be applied to the logged-in user, i.e., they will not replicate to visions of the view profile associated with the project.


Click on this button to restore the vision displayed in the project schedule to the configurations and parameterizations set in its record.





Click on this button for the project timeline to be displayed in the upper part of the Project and Gantt panels. The timeline resource allows highlighting, in the project, tasks considered important, such as meetings, macros, etc. To hide the timeline of the project, simply click on the button again.


Configured tasks

Select this option so that the system only displays in the timeline tasks that have the "Display on timeline" option selected in their data screen.

All tasks

Select this option for all the tasks that make up the project structure to be displayed on the timeline, regardless of whether the "Display on timeline" option is checked or not.


Check this option for the project tasks to be displayed on the timeline. If this option is not checked, the project tasks will not be displayed.

Summary task

Check this option for the project summary tasks to be displayed on the timeline. If this option is not checked, the summary tasks will not be displayed.


Check this option for the project milestones to be displayed on the timeline. If this option is not checked, the project milestones will not be displayed.



Click on this button to increase the time scale in the timeline, that is, to view the duration period of the tasks and subprojects in more detail.


Click on this button to reduce the time scale in the timeline, that is, to view the duration period of the tasks and subprojects in less detail.