To edit the data of a requirement, select it in the main record screen and click on the option.
The way to edit the record varies according to the revision method configured in the requirement type and to the status. On the upper panel, in the Record section, the following buttons will be available:
▪Simplified revision Current status: The Enable editing button will be displayed. Click on this button to create a new edition for the record. Thus, it will be possible to make changes without affecting the current version. Then, click on "OK" to confirm this operation.
Under revision status: The Release version and Discard changes buttons will be displayed. Thus, it will be possible to execute the revision or discard it to start a new revision.
▪ISO9000 based revision Current status: The Add new revision button will be displayed. Click on this button to add a new revision and enable editing. After the creation confirmation, the Requirement mapping revision task will be created for the responsible parties.
Once done, the other sections will also be available:
General data
The fields in this section will be displayed completed as entered during the addition of the requirement, and they can be edited. See a detailed description of the fields available for editing in the Creating requirements section.
This section will only be displayed if at least one attribute is associated in the Attribute tab of the requirement type. In that case, enter the value of the displayed attributes. Those that are required must mandatorily have their values filled; whereas blocked attributes will be filled by the system with the default value defined when associating them with the type. The way to fill out an attribute varies according to the configurations established at the moment of its creation.
This section will only be displayed if the requirement type has revision control via Workflow or based on the ISO9000 standards. Thus, if it is necessary to complement the revision information, it is possible to access and edit its data. For further details about this operation and its respective fields, see the Revising mappings and requirements section.
This section will only be available if, in the requirement type, the "Allow audit of requirement" option is checked. In it, it is possible to configure how the evaluations in the audits that apply this requirement will be performed. For this, the following fields are available:
Audit evaluation criterion
Select the evaluation criterion that will be used in the requirement audit. The evaluation criteria available for selection are those configured in the SE Audit component. The Revision field will display the ID # of the current revision for the selected criterion.
Default conformity level
Select the conformity level that will be considered as the default for the criterion, previously selected at the time of its audit. This field will only be available if the previously selected evaluation criterion is of the "Qualitative" type.
Calculate the value of the requirements and their conformity percentage based on
Select one of the options to define how the average value of the criterion and its conformity percentage will be calculated:
▪Immediately lower level objects: Objects that are one level below the reference requirement. ▪Lowest level requirements: Requirements that do not have other sub-requirements below their structure, but may have verification items or audit tests. ▪Lowest level objects: Lowest level objects are any objects (lowest level requirements, reference items or audit tests) that do not have any structure below them. |
It is important to point out that:
▪Lower level requirements are "children" of another requirement, that is, they are a level below the "parent" requirement. They can be guidance or lowest level requirements. ▪Lowest level requirements are those without requirements in lower levels, that is, without "children" requirements. |
This section will only be available in the Details tab if, in the requirement type, the "Allow requirement audit" option is checked. In it, the internal auditors that are qualified to audit the requirement in question will be presented. Click on the button on the side toolbar of this tab to view the data of the internal auditor selected in the list of records. The association of the requirement to the internal auditor is made by means of the internal auditor's creation screen, in the SE Audit component.
In this section, it is possible to add and/or associate incidents/problems/workflows that highlight the requirement being created. To do this, use the following buttons on the side toolbar of this section:

Click on this button and select the desired option to start an Incident, Problem or Workflow. On the screen that will be displayed, select the type that will classify the event that you wish to create. The Title and Description fields will be enabled to be filled according to the configurations made in the process. Save the record. If the starter is also the executor of the first activity of the flow, the activity data screen will be displayed.

Click on this button and, on the screen that will be opened, first select the event you want to associate with the requirement (incident, problem, or workflow), and then locate it and select it. Save your selection.

Click on this button to disassociate the record selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to view the event data screen (incident, problem, or workflow) selected in the list of records.
▪For this feature to work correctly it is necessary that the SE Incident, SE Problem, and SE Workflow components are part of the solutions acquired by your organization. ▪Get more information about incidents, problems, and workflows by viewing the specific documentation of these components. |
In this section, the attachments and documents must be included, and it is also possible to manage the forms that will complement the information of the projects created from the template in question. To do that, the following options are available:
Associate the attachments related to the requirement in question. Refer to the Adding attachments section for further details on how to add and/or associate attachments.
Add or associate the documents related to the requirement in question. Refer to the Adding documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.
Note: For this resource to work correctly it is necessary for the component to be a part of the solutions acquired by your organization.
This section will only be available if, in the requirement type, the "Allow audit of requirement" option is checked. In it, all audit organizations with which the requirement is associated will be displayed. Click on the button on the side toolbar of this tab to view the audit organization data selected in the list of records. The association of the requirement to the audit organization is done by means of the audit organization creation screen, in the SE Audit component.
It is possible to add and/or associate action plans or isolated actions that highlight the requirement. To do this, use the following buttons on the side toolbar of this section:

Click on this button and select the desired option:
▪Action plan: On the screen that will be displayed, select first, whether the new action plan will be blank or created from a template. Then, at the bottom of the screen, locate and select the category or action plan template, according to the option previously selected, and save the selection you made. At this point, the data screen of the action plan structure will be presented, making it possible to configure. ▪Isolated action: On the screen that will be displayed, select the category that will sort the isolated action. Save your selection. At this point, the action data screen will be displayed, making it possible to configure. |

Click on this button and on the screen that will be opened, select first, whether to associate to the requirement an action plan or an isolated action and then locate and select the desired record. Save your selection.

Click on this button to disassociate the record selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to view the selected record data screen in the list.
▪In order for this feature to work correctly, it is necessary for the SE Action plan component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization. ▪Get more information about action plans and isolated actions by viewing the specific documentation of the SE Action plan component. |
Save the record, after filling out the necessary fields.
Refer to the Finishing the editing of a requirement section for more details on how to finish the editing of a requirement.
While the requirement has a revision in the "Draft" step, if it has sub-requirements or is used in an audit, it is necessary to configure its structure. See more details about this operation in the Assembling the requirement structure section.