Supply request execution - Task generated by the SE Request component.
Who receives it:
User responsible for executing the request. Remember that the issuance and approval of requests must be performed through the SE Request component.
Just as the issue/approval step (as configured) is finished by the due responsible parties in the SE Request component.
Record a new revision of supplies in a storeroom.
How to execute this task:
1.Select the desired request from the list of pending records.
2.After that, click on the toolbar button.
3.At this point, the receiving spreadsheet will be displayed. The ID #, Status, Supplier, Requester by, Date and Exp. deliv. dt. fields will be filled in with the respective information about the supply request. Also, fill out the following fields:

Actual deliv. dt.: Select the actual date on which the supply order being executed will arrive in the storeroom. If this field is not filled in, the supply order request will remain pending after saving the record.
4.In the Receiving tab, fill in the fields in the following columns:
This field is filled out by the system with the date on which the order is being executed; however, it is possible to edit it.
Select the storeroom (SE Storeroom) that will store the supply.
Storage place
This field will only be enabled after selecting a storeroom in the field described above. Select the place in the storeroom (repository) where the supply will be stored.
Enter the quantity of the supply that has been ordered from the supplier and that will be stored in the storeroom.
Use this field to enter the necessary description about the order.
5.If needed, use the following buttons in the upper part of the Receiving tab:

Click on this button to add a new row to divide the quantity of the order into more than one storeroom.

Click on this button to delete a row from the spreadsheet. For this button to be enabled, you need to check the field of the column of the row you wish to delete.
6.After filling out all the necessary fields, save the record. At this point, the request will no longer be displayed in the list of pending records, and the Input event task will be generated for the parties responsible for the storeroom in the SE Storeroom component.