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Evaluation of participant effectiveness

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Evaluation of participant effectiveness

Who receives it:

Appraiser of the effectiveness of the participant, defined in the Evaluation section of the training data screen.


The delay date of a training that has effectiveness evaluation parameterized is reached.


Evaluate whether there was an improvement in the productivity and performance of the training participants.


How to execute this task:



Use the search filters from the first quadrant to find the desired training more easily.



In the list of records in the second quadrant will be presented the training whose participants shall be evaluated by the effectiveness. Select the desired training. On the toolbar of this quadrant, the following buttons are also available:


Click on this button to view the data of the selected training.


Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.



In the list of records of the third quadrant, select the participant you wish to evaluate. If in the training configurations whose participants are being evaluated it is parameterized that the effectiveness evaluation will be by simple approval and the training selected in the second quadrant is "Collective", it will be possible to select more than one participant at a time. In that case, hold the CTRL and SHIFT keys down or check next to each participant to select more than one record at a time.



1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the default button on the side toolbar.



As parameterized in the training configurations, there are two ways to perform this evaluation:



If in the E-learning section on the training data screen, the "Automate the training flow when finishing the content execution" option is enabled, according to when the training participants are evaluated, the system will send the training to the next step automatically. The training can be sent to the following steps:

Effectiveness verification: If it is parameterized that the training will go through the effectiveness verification, the system will generate the Training effectiveness verification task for the responsible parties.

Closure: If there are no more configured steps, the training will be finished. According to the configurations established for the training, the Training result acknowledgment task may be generated for the participants or the Execution confirmation task for the execution control team, so that they confirm the achievement of the training.



If the training does not have the automatic flow configured, the team responsible for executing and/or the instructor with permission to control the execution, must access the Training evaluation task and send it to the next configured step.