To configure the SE Training general parameters, the following sections are available:

In the Development plan action section, the following options are available:
Automate the flow of development plan actions with associated course
It allows actions to be initiated automatically when enrolling the employee in a course training associated with the action, and sending the action to the next step as the courses associated with it are executed.
The development plan actions with an associated course must be manually executed by the responsible party.
In the Release revision for training section, the following option is available:
Cancel open trainings from obsolete training revisions
When a new revision that requires training is released for training, the system will cancel all open trainings that have obsolete object revisions to be trained.
If the training has more than one associated object, this condition will be applicable to all objects in order for the training to be canceled.
When a new revision that requires training is released for training, the system will not cancel all open trainings that have obsolete object revisions to be trained.
In the Mapping section, the following option is available:
Automatically create training for users with mapped courses/paths
The system will automatically create trainings for users with mapped courses and paths correctly configured for e-learning. In this way, self-trainings will be created through the "Training SocketJob" daily job for mapped courses and for courses of mapped paths.
The user will receive the "training content" notification by e-mail and will be able to access the e-learning content through the task or the portal.
The system will not automatically create trainings for users with mapped courses and paths. Trainings will be created manually.
The Export appointment section displays the following option:
Enable synchronization of training calendar with e-mail client calendar
Enables the integration between an e-mail customer with a scheduling resource (e.g.: MS Outlook) and SE Training. With that, the system will trigger an appointment in the schedule of each participant and instructor of a training (provided it is an internal training). For this resource to work correctly, the involved users' emails must be properly configured in the system, and the email sending resource must be enabled. See the specific documentation of the SE Administration and SE Configuration components for further details about these configurations.
When adding a participant or sending a training to the next step, the system will not request sending the appointments to the calendar of the e-mail customer. The "Export appointment" button will not be available in the Training planning and Training execution menus.
Consider self-training as a given training
The self-training records will be displayed in visions and in the employee history as given trainings. It will also be possible to generate certificates of them as given trainings.
Self-trainings will not be considered given trainings.
This section displays the options related to the following tasks:
Training due date
Consider only trainings for courses in the default department/position of employee
The Training due date task will display only the trainings of courses mapped for the department/position of the logged user that are past due. It is also possible to configure for the trainings mapped as required or desirable to be displayed. To do so, check the corresponding options.
The "Training due date" task will display all past due trainings related to the logged user (including those that were not mapped for their department/position).
Training record
Enable task for creation of training need
The Training registration task will be generated. Thus, the fields described below will be enabled to be filled out.
The Training registration task will not be generated. The other fields described in this section may be disregarded.
Responsible team
Select the team whose members are responsible for recording trainings through the task, based on the needs of the employees.
Restrict training record by organizational unit
The trainings can only be recorded by taking into consideration the organizational unit. In this case, the user that will record the training must also be a member of the control team of the organizational unit (SE Administration) to which the employees that need to be trained belong.
The trainings can be recorded by the users who are members of the previously defined responsible team, regardless of organizational unit.
It will be necessary to record trainings for the employees who have the checked statuses (regarding the courses).
It will not be necessary to record trainings for the employees who have statuses that were not checked.
Only mapped courses
It will be possible to create trainings only from the courses mapped for the employee. It is also possible to define:
▪Requirement: Check the corresponding options to allow creating trainings for the required and/or desirable courses. The options that are not checked will not be considered for training creation. ▪Mapping type: Check the corresponding options to allow creating trainings for the courses mapped in the organizational (department and position) and/or individual (employee profile) level. The options that are not checked will not be considered for training creation. |
It will be possible to create trainings from any course that is available for the employee.
Consider only the default department/position courses
It will be possible to create trainings only from courses mapped for the department and position defined as default for the employee. This option will only be available if the "Only mapped courses" option is checked.
It will be possible to create trainings from any course that is mapped for the employee.
This section displays the following options:
Training items
The checked information will be displayed as pre-selected when copying a training.
The unchecked information will not be displayed as pre-selected when copying a training.
Allow changing the training course
When copying a training, it will be possible to select another course for the training being copied.
When copying a training, it will not be possible to edit the course of the training being copied.
In the Standard filter of the training status section, the following options are available:
Start/Execution/Evaluation/Effectiveness verification/Cancelled/Invalidated/Finished
Enable the statuses that will be checked by default in the "Training status" filter, in the Execution Training execution filter. In this way, it is possible not to list canceled or finished trainings by default, for example.
Unchecked statuses will not be enabled by default in the training status filter, in the Execution Training execution menu.
The following parameters are also available:
Standard filter of the training status
In the list of records of the Training execution menu, the trainings in the checked statuses is expired will be displayed. The statuses displayed may be edited through the Training Training status advanced filter.
Trainings that are in unchecked statuses will not be displayed, by default, in the list of records of the "Training execution" menu. It is possible to check options to be displayed through the Training Training status advanced filter.
Block training execution out of planned period
The trainings recorded in the system cannot be executed outside of the range between the planned start and end dates.
The trainings can be executed in any period.
Require an explanation when deleting a participant during training execution
When deleting a participant from the training during its execution, a screen will be open for the explanation for the deletion to be mandatorily entered.
It will not be necessary to enter an explanation when deleting participants from a training during its execution.
After performing all the desired parameterizations, click on the toolbar button.