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Ishikawa diagram

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In the analysis carried out by means of the Ishikawa grouped by cause type diagram, causes are grouped by the type in which they are classified, thus allowing the identification of an unlimited quantity of causes for a determined effect. To access the Ishikawa grouped by cause type diagram screen, click on the bt_6m button.


The analysis carried out by means of the Ishikawa diagram grouped by cause allows the identification of, at most, 6 causes for each problem. This process is used for less precise and simpler analyses. To access the Ishikawa grouped by cause diagram screen, click on the bt_ishikawa button.


The screen will be displayed according to the image below. The alphabetical letters identify each available item:


This image refers to an Ishikawa diagram grouped by cause type. The Ishikawa diagram grouped by cause is similar.

This image refers to an Ishikawa diagram grouped by cause type. The Ishikawa diagram grouped by cause is similar.





1_auxnmbCause type




1_auxnmbRoot cause

In the Ishikawa diagram grouped by cause type, the light-green rectangles will be automatically displayed with the cause types that have been configured through the Configuration arrowrgray General parameters menu. SE Action allows for more than one diagram to be put together during analysis. Use the Ishikawa field to select the effects (names) of the diagrams that have been put together during the analysis being carried out.


On the toolbar, the following buttons are available:


Click on the button to start building the diagram. See more details in the Assembling a diagram section.


If the cause has more than one level, click on this button to go to the level above the level being viewed.


If the cause has more than one level, click on this button to go to the level below the level being viewed.


Click on this button to issue a report, in .pdf, with general information and elements of the Ishikawa diagram.


Click on this button to view an Ishikawa diagram that has been previously put together. Select the desired record in the Ishikawa field before clicking on the button.


By clicking on this button, the system will display a blank screen of the Ishikawa diagram, enabling the creation of a new diagram.


Click on this button to delete an Ishikawa diagram that has been previously put together. Select the desired record in the Ishikawa field before clicking on the button.