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Configuring a process flow

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To edit the data of a process flow, select it in the list of records and click on the bt_alterar button.


On the process flow data screen that will be opened, the following fields will be available:





ID #

Enter a number or code to identify the process flow.


Enter a name for the process flow.


Select the method to be followed by the flow. The deadlines defined in the method are imported as default to the flow; however, they may be edited. If another method is selected after saving the record, it is necessary to save it again for the flow information to be updated.


Select who will be the leader of the flow. The flow leader may edit the responsible parties and the deadlines of the steps that have not yet been finished in the respective occurrence through the Management arrowrgray Flow maintenance menu.

Occurrence department

Select the occurrence department to which the flow being created will belong. After defining the occurrence department, in the Execution arrowrgray Occurrence identification menu, the process flow will be automatically filled out with the data entered here.

Control group

Select the control group responsible for this record, i.e., the selected group may edit or delete the record in question. Remember that, if no group is selected, all the users who have access to this menu may make the necessary changes to or delete the record.


After saving the record, the following tabs will also be available:




After performing the desired configurations, save the record.