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Axis/Reference lines

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The Axis/Reference lines option is available for the "Gauge" and "Progress bar" charts.


Scale values: Check this option for the scale label to be displayed. If the field is unchecked, the label will not be shown.


Initial value: Use this field to define the initial value of the axis. The following options are available:

Automatic: If this option is selected, the initial value of the axis will be automatically generated according to the chart information values.

Fixed: If this option is selected, enter the Value in which the axis will start.

Variable: If this option is selected, the initial value of the axis will be given by an aggregation function in the values of a measurement of the analysis. To do that, select the Measurement that contains the values to be used in order to calculate the initial value of the axis. Then, select the Function that will aggregate the values in a single value.


End value: Use this field to define the end value of the axis. The following options are available:

Automatic: If this option is selected, the end value of the axis will be automatically generated according to the chart information values.

Fixed: If this option is selected, enter the Value in which the axis will end.

Variable: If this option is selected, the end value of the axis will be given by an aggregation function in the values of a measurement of the analysis. To do that, select the Measurement that contains the values to be used in order to calculate the end value of the axis. Then, select the Function that will aggregate the values in a single value.


Reference line: Define if the reference line will be a fixed line, a range or a variable line:

Fixed: If this option is selected, enter the Label, the Value and the Color of the line to be displayed in the chart scale.

Range: If this option is selected, enter the Label, the Initial value, the End value and the Color of the range to be displayed in the chart scale.

Variable: If this option is selected, enter the Label, the Measurement, the Aggregation function and the Color of the range to be displayed in the chart. For Measurement, all the measurement fields in the analysis are available. For the Aggregation function, the functions that return the sum, maximum, minimum, average, count or distinct count of the values of the selected measurement are available.


If necessary, the system allows other reference lines to be applied. To add a new reference, click on the plus_small button located in the bottom left corner of the reference lines screen. Then, configure the fields according to your needs. To delete a reference that is no longer necessary, click on the trash_small button located next to each configuration.