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Welcome to SoftExpert Analytics

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This documentation was developed for SE Analytics users, aiming at presenting the functionalities and the steps to use the system. Its chapters are made up of system menus and additional information, which will help the users at any point of data input.



SE Analytics is a tool that allows visualization and creation of interactive visions. It enables companies to extract trends and behavior patterns from a mass of data that apparently seemed to be indecipherable. Users can organize and sort their data, perform comparisons, and extract relevant information that can be priceless to the organization.

The system allows users to connect to relational data sources such as ODBC database, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) data sources, and from there, create interactive reports, enjoying all the features of the OLAP template in just a few clicks. 

SE Analytics also provides an integrated, robust and flexible presentation layer for all SoftExpert solutions features, including statistics, searches, comparisons, and more. Results can be published online using the portal tool.


SE Analytics is divided in the following menus:



It allows configuring teams that may compose the security of the analyses, the type that will classify them, and the general parameters of this component.



Allows creating analyses.



Allows viewing the analyses created in the system.


This manual will display the operations that can be performed through SE Analytics, grouped by their resources.


For a better understanding about the features of the SE Analytics component, access our Training Store and get the full online training.

If you are subscribed to the Infinity plan, which offers full access to courses, access the training of this component through the Infinity learning option in the Help center.