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Calibration execution

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Location: Execution Calibration execution



Calibration plan

Service center (SE Asset)

Activity classification (SE Asset)



Through this menu, the calibration activity may be executed even if it did not go through the programming step. Remember that only the assets that are under the responsibility of the logged user team will be available for calibration. The main screen is divided into three quadrants: the first quadrant displays the panel with search filters that allow locating the plans and their calibration activities more easily. The second quadrant displays the calibration plans created in the system, while the third quadrant displays the activities of the plan that is selected in the second quadrant.


The result of each calibration is displayed in the CR column of the main screen as follows:

Calibration approved.

Calibration approved conditionally.

Calibration rejected. The system allows creating an action plan for the rejected calibrations if the respective configuration is set through the general parameters screen.

The calibration result is not controlled by the system.


Specific buttons:

Located in the second quadrant, it allows viewing the data of the calibration plan selected from the list of records.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows viewing the data of the activity selected from the list of records.

Located in the second quadrant, it allows configuring and issuing activity blank forms, activity forms, blank data collections, calibration certificates, usage adequacy, and calibration results reports. This button also allows exporting the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configuring a new report or associating an existing report, and also searches for the parameters that can be used in the configuration of new reports.

Located in the second quadrant, it allows viewing a gage evolution chart. On the screen that will be opened, fill out the required fields and click on the View chart button. Thus, the chart will be displayed according to the information selected in the field.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows creating a new calibration activity. See more details about this operation in the Executing a calibration activity section.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows editing the calibration activity selected from the list of records.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows deleting the calibration activity selected from the list of records.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows viewing the list of calibrations through a Gantt chart. In the execution step, the chart will display the comparison between the programming and execution dates of the calibration.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows associating the execution of the activity selected from the list of records with the logged user. This button will not be available if the activity executor is a specific user previously set in its configuration or if the activity is closed. It is also possible to associate the activity with the logged user by clicking on it or editing it.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows disassociating, from the logged user, the execution of the activity selected from the list of records. This button will not be available if the activity executor is a specific user previously set in its configuration or if the activity is closed.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows enabling/disabling the calibration activity selected from the list of records. See further details about this operation in the Changing the status of a calibration activity section.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows copying a calibration. For finished calibrations, the system will create a copy of the calibration. For in-progress calibrations, the system will ask whether you wish to edit the existing calibration.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows sending a record back to the previous step. In the execution step, the calibration will be sent to the programming step.

Located in the third quadrant, it allows sending a record to the next step. In the execution step, the calibration will be finished; if the activity is configured to have approval, before finishing it, the system will generate the Execution approval task.


Related operations:

Create running calibration activity

Start the calibration activity

Timesheet (SE Time Control)

Timesheet (No integration)

Finish the calibration activity

Finish the calibration activity

Calibrating an asset

Confirming the calibration result


See a detailed description of the filters available in the search panel in the View Calibration menu.