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Finishing the evaluation preparation

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After preparing the evaluation, it is necessary to send it to the next configured step. See how to perform this operation:



In the list of records of the main screen, locate and select the evaluation plan grouper and the desired appraiser type.



Select all employees from an evaluation plan/appraiser type, specific employees of the same evaluation plan/appraiser type, or a single employee whose evaluation you wish to close.



1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the next button on the toolbar.



At this point, the system will ask whether you wish to finish the evaluation preparation. Click on the desired option:

OK: The preparation will be finished, and the evaluation will be available for execution by the due responsible parties, through the Execution arrowrgray Evaluation execution menu.

Cancel: The evaluation will remain pending under the Preparation status. In this case, it is possible to finish its preparation either through the Save and next step button on the data screen toolbar, or through the Evaluation preparation task.