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View request approval

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View request approval

Who is notified:

Those responsible for the repository where the documents associated with the request are archived. Responsible users are those users who belong to the same department where the storage place of the repository is and that have license key to SE Archive.


The content view request is sent to approval.


Verify if request is properly performed and approve it.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the desired request.



1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the default button on the toolbar.



At this point, the request data screen will be displayed in the Document tab, allowing you to verify which physical file must be viewed. Use the buttons on the side toolbar to view the electronic files and the data of the documents associated with the request. In the General tab, it is possible to view the general request data and the question entered by the requester.



In the Approval tab, the following fields are available:


Yes: The request will be approved.

No: The request will be rejected.


This field must only be filled out if the approver is also the request executor. In this case, enter the answer to the question made by the request issuer.

If it is rejected, use this field to enter a reason for the rejection.


This field will be filled out after executing the task, with the data of the user who approved the request.


This field will be filled out after the view record.



1_auxnmbAfter filling in the required fields, click on the default toolbar button of the data screen.

If the request is:


The system will ask if you wish to confirm the request rejection. Choose the desired option:

OK: The system will generate the Rejected view acknowledgment task, so that the issuer becomes aware of the failure of your request.

Cancel: The record will remain pending.


The system will ask if the answer must be sent to the requester. Choose the desired option:

OK: The answer will be sent to the requester through the View content record acknowledgment task.

Cancel: The record will be sent to the executor to make sure the entered response is correct, through the View content record task.