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Location: View Protocol



Through this menu, it is possible to view the protocols added in SE Protocol, regardless of their deadline or the status in which they are in. If the "Enable to display records that user is not allowed to view" option is not checked on the "Protocol" tab of the general parameters of SE Document, only the documents that the logged user has permission to "View" will be displayed in the list of records.


Specific buttons:

Click on this button to view the data screen of the protocol selected in the list of records. Note that, to successfully perform this operation, it is necessary to have the "View" control allowed in the security of the protocol.

Click on this button to track through a flowchart, the steps by which the protocol selected in the list of records has gone through, including the users who performed the operation and when the operation was performed.

Click on this button to analyze the result displayed in the list of records.

Click on the arrow located next to this button to set up and issue the desired protocol label and history reports. This button also allows exporting the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configuring a new report or associating an existing report, and it also searches for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.

Click on this button to download the attachments processed in the protocol selected in the list of records. To perform this operation, the logged user must have permission to view the protocol. It will not be possible to download electronic files of documents through this option. In this case, it is necessary to access the protocol data and, in its details, the data of the desired document.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to three quadrants. When selecting this option, the third quadrant will display the details about the protocol selected in the list of records in the second quadrant.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to two quadrants.


Use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. To use them, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add filters.


Use the Quick search field of the Search filters panel to search for the desired document by means of words contained in the title, description and/or content of each electronic file.

For further details about the 'Search panel' and other view operations, refer to the Views section.




After entering the necessary filters, click on the SEARCH button on the "Search filters" panel to search or press the ENTER key on the keyboard. The result will be displayed on the right side of the view screen.