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Copy receiving acknowledgment

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Location: Execution Copy receiving acknowledgment



Protocol of issued controlled copies



Through this menu, the addressee (who is responsible for the copy) station issued through a copy protocol, will have to confirm its receiving. In case the addressee does not have access to SE Document, the confirmation of the receiving of the copies should be made through the Copy Distribution menu.


By clicking on this button, it will be displayed the data screen of the copy protocol that has been selected in the list of record, to confirm that the copies received are in accordance with the copies declared in the protocol. If it is confirmed, save the record and confirm the receiving. Otherwise, it will not be confirmed and the protocol will be pending.

Click on this button to view the data screen of copy protocol data selected in the list of records, in "Read-only" mode".

Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Such operation can also be performed through the Confirmation that copies have been received task.

Use the "Search filters" to easily retrieve the desired records based on specific information.