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Creating an FMEA revision

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To create a revision for an FMEA, locate it and select it in the list of records of the second quadrant of the main screen. After that, click on the toolbar button. Note that the third quadrant will display the number of revisions the FMEA has gone through.


It is important to note that in order to review an FMEA, it is necessary that the revision control is properly configured in the type and that the last revision of the FMEA is closed.


At this point, the system will ask whether you wish to create a new revision. Click on OK.


At this point, the FMEA data screen will be opened. At the top of the screen, access the Revision section. The following subsections will be available according to the revision process configured in the FMEA type:



Revision history
Notification group
Revision acknowledgment

After filling out the fields on the screen above, click on the Save and exit button. At this point, the system will generate the revision task. See further details in the Execute revisions section.