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Process flowchart

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Flowchart enables company processes to be graphically described through symbols, lines, arrows and words. The flowchart aims to provide ways of representing the process structure, thus, enabling user to know about the current process and later allow the definition and implementation of improvements.

Flowchart viewing is done through the modeler button, placed on the toolbars of the File, Management or View screens. This button is also displayed in other components where the processes can be associated.


Through the File arrowrgrayp Process menu, when the process type in question has simplified revision control, when viewing the process flowchart, if the user has the appropriate permissions in the process, it is possible to enable the editing of the process. In order to do this, it will be required to click on the Enable editing button, which is displayed in both the flowchart and the process data. However, in processes whose types have ISO900 or Workflow revision control, changes in the flowchart can only be performed by the drafter in the revision draft step.


See below, a process flowchart accessed through the View arrowrgray Process menu:



SoftExpert BPM tool is used for viewing and process modeling (flowchart edition). Refer to the SoftExpert BPM Suite - Process modeling section for details on process modeling.


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