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Request execution

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Purchase request execution

Who is notified:

User who is responsible for the execution of the request, through the SE request component. Remember that when issuing and approving requests, it must be made using the SE Request component.


Just as the issue of the request is fully finished through the SE Request component.


To allow those responsible to meet the process creation requests.


How to execute this task:



Select the desired request from the list of pending records.



After that, click on the arrow located next to the default button and select one of the following actions:




BPMN: It corresponds to a specification for process visual modeling. It features a series of graphic and logic patterns in the process design. When this process template is duly configured to be executed by SE Workflow, SE Incident or SE Problem components, it will be identified by the processo4 icon. When it is not configured, it will be represented by the processo1 icon.

Macro-process: template that represents the organizational processes systemic vision to provide a macro-vision for interconnection and/or chaining of macro-processes, processes, sub-processes and activities, following their execution sequence. Remember that these processes are only illustrative and cannot be executed in the SE Workflow. The macro-processes are represented by the macro icon.

Flowchart: This template follows a specific notation to basic workflows, which includes sequence flows and associations between artifacts and process items. However, the basic Workflow does not have Pool and Lanes. As well as BPMN processes that are not enabled to be instantiated, the flowcharts are represented by the processo1 icon.



At this point, the system will display a data screen to select the process type that will be recorded. Select the desired type and save the selection.


The details on how to record a new process can be found in the Creating a new process section.



As soon as the process is recorded, the request will be answered and the task will be executed.