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Creating project using wizard - Import file

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On the main screen toolbar, click the arrow next to the button and click on the Create project using wizard option. At this point, creation wizard opens.



Select the Import file option and configure the following fields of each of the step below. It is important to note that the number of steps displayed in the wizard varies according to the configurations defined in the project type, so they will all be displayed below.


First steps
Project data
Reference requirement
Risk and control plan
Audited object


After filling in the required field, click on the Finish button. In the Review step, an overview of the project creation will be presented. Through the Project data option, it is possible to access the project data screen to make the necessary edits while using the SE GanttChart option, it is possible to access the project structure through SE GanttChart. Click on the Close option, to close the creation wizard.


When importing a project, the following information will also be imported:

Task names;

Start and end dates;

Duration (calculated according to the imported start and end and considering the project calendar in SE Suite). The duration will be given in days and in whole numbers;


Predecessor restrictions between tasks: finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-to-finish, and start-to-finish and lag;

Resource allocation (if file is .mpp and if the "Import resource hours allocation" option is enabled). Even if there are allocated resources that do not exist in the system, they will be recorded automatically.

Task restriction types: As late as possible, As late as possible, As soon as possible, Start no earlier than, Finish no earlier than, Start no later than, Finish no later than, Must finish on, and Must start on;

The actual percentage of tasks (if the "Keep the actual values of the tasks in import" option is enabled);


It is important to point out that, when performing an import:

The ID # of the tasks will be a sequential value generated by the system;

If a default task type is configured in the project type, the configured type and, consequently, its configurations (attributes, execution approval etc.) will be applied to the tasks that have not been finished yet.

The WBS is regenerated, regardless of the custom MS Project® value;

If there is any actual percentage entered, the task is imported as "Must start on";

The first resource in the Resources tab on the MS Project® task data screen is imported as the party responsible for the task, provided the user id, name, or login is the same. Otherwise, the responsibility will be the same as of the project;

If the project is in hours, the effort, fixed effort, and duration controlled by effort fields will be imported.

The lag is imported as duration in days and only integer values;

The tasks with manual calculation are imported with automatic calculation.

The calendar will not be imported. In this case, the calendar of the project defined in SE Suite will be used;

The project baselines will not be imported either;

If the file used in the import is corrupted or for some reason is not valid, the project will not be created.

If the project file does not have tasks, that is, if it is empty, the project will not be created.

Refer to the Editing planning project section for a detailed description of the other fields on the project data screen.

Refer to the SE GanttChart section for a detailed description on how to use this feature.