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Multidimensional indicator

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Multidimensional indicators are indicators that group several sub-indicators (dimensions) that make up their values, that is, they are facilitators that should be used when the sub-indicators are similar to the upper level indicator.


In practical terms:

The billing value of the company will be obtained from the sum of the billing of each branch of the company. To do that, simply create a "Billing" multidimensional indicator, define that the calculation will be through "Sum" and define the number of "Dimensions" that corresponds to the number of branches of the company.


See how to configure this indicator type:


Step 1

To configure an indicator from the scorecard structure as multidimensional, enable the respective option in the indicator data screen:




Step 2

Then, click next to the desired option to enable how the indicator calculation will be performed:

Sum: The values of the indicator dimensions will be added.

Average: The average of the values of the dimensions that make up the indicator will be calculated. By clicking on this option, the Hereditary target will be displayed. Enable it for the dimension targets to have the same values as the indicator target. If this option is not enabled, the individual calculations will be maintained for each target of the dimension.


Step 3

Perform the other desired configurations and save the record.


Since the system will calculate the indicator values from the previously defined option, the "Formula" section of the multidimensional indicator data screen will only be available if it has been defined that the calculation will be through average and the target will be hereditary. Otherwise, the "Formula" section will not be available.

The "Sub-indicator" section will not be available in the multidimensional indicator data screen, as these will be the previously configured dimensions.


Step 4

In the General data section, the Dimension section will be displayed. On the side toolbar of this section, click on the link button. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:

ID #: Enter an ID # for the dimension. Note that it will not be possible to enter the ID # of an existing indicator.

Multidimensional: Enable this option if the dimension in question will have sub-dimensions. Otherwise, keep it disabled.

Inherit indicator security list: Keep this option configured for the dimension in question to have the same security configurations as the upper level indicator to which it belongs. To customize a security list for the dimension, disable this option.

After filling out the necessary fields, click on the Save option in the bottom of the screen.


Use the unlink button on the toolbar to delete the dimension selected in the list of records.


Step 5

In the list of records, select the created dimension and click on the edit button. At this point, the data screen will be displayed to configure the dimension as desired. See a detailed description of the fields on the screen that will be displayed in the Configuring indicators in the scorecard structure section.


If the "Multidimensional" option is enabled when adding the dimension, this option will be displayed as enabled on the data screen. In this case, repeat the steps described in this section to configure the sub-dimension as desired.

If the "Inherit indicator security list" option has been disabled when adding the dimension, the Security option will be displayed to customize the dimension security list.

If the dimension is not multidimensional, it will be possible to associate sub-indicators and configure formulas for its calculation, as well as the other possible configurations for an indicator.


Step 6

After performing all desired configurations to the indicator and its dimensions, save the record. Thus, the multidimensional indicator will be created in the scorecard structure, grouping the dimensions.