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Revalidating a scorecard

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To revalidate a scorecard, locate it and select it in the list of records of the second quadrant of the main screen. After that, click on the new button on the side toolbar of the third quadrant.


In order to perform a successful revalidation, the logged user is required to have the "Revise" or "Edit" controls allowed in the security list of the scorecard being revalidated.

Scorecards that are being issued, revised or with a revalidation in progress may not be revalidated.


On the screen that will be opened, the Type, ID #, Name, Revision and Date fields will be filled with the respective information of the scorecard:




To revalidate a scorecard, it is necessary to fill out the fields in the General tab. After that, save the record.

If the validity does not have the approval step configured, the system will ask if you wish to confirm the revalidation. By clicking on OK, the revalidation will be finished. If Cancel is selected, the revalidation will remain with the "Issue" status.

If the validity has the approval step configured, the system will ask if you wish to send the revalidation to approval. Choose the desired option:

oOK: The revalidation will be sent to approval and the Revalidation approval task will be generated for the members of the responsibility route.

oCancel: The screen will be refreshed by the system, displaying the Approval tab and allowing it to be edited. After performing the necessary changes and saving the record again, it will be possible to send the revalidation for approval.


See the fields available in each tab:
