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Editing a scorecard

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To edit the data of a scorecard, first, locate it and select it in the main screen list of records. After that, click on the edit toolbar button. In order to perform this operation, it is necessary to have the "Edit" control allowed in the security of the selected scorecard type.


At this point, the scorecard data screen will be displayed. The following sections will be available for editing:


If the scorecard has the Revision control configured in its type and it is not its first revision, to enable the fields described below for editing, it will be necessary to click on the Add new revision button on the toolbar.


hmtoggle_arrow1General data
hmtoggle_arrow1Action plan


After setting all the necessary configurations, save the record.


If the scorecard is going through a revision, the toolbar will display the options to execute or delete the step. Refer to the Scorecard revision section for further details on how to perform this operation.