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Configuring a framework

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To add a new framework, click on the new button on the main screen toolbar. To edit the data of a framework, select it in the list of records and click on the edit button.


On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the framework. Define the options that will be available in the structure of the scorecard that uses this framework when accessed through the planning and execution screens.








It will be possible to assemble the institutional scorecard structure.

The "Institutional" vision will not be available in the scorecard structure screen.

Analysis diagram

It will be possible to view the analysis diagram of the scorecard.

The "Analysis diagram" vision will not be available in the scorecard structure screen.

Strategic analysis

It will be possible to perform the strategic analysis of the scorecard.

The "Strategic analysis" vision will not be available in the scorecard structure screen.

Strategy map

It will be possible to define a strategy map for the scorecard.

The "Strategy map" vision will not be available in the scorecard structure screen.


After that, save the record. The following tabs will be available:

hmtoggle_arrow1Associated scorecard


After setting the necessary configurations, save the record.