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Associating objects with the supplier

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The objects that may be associated directly through SE Supplier are indicators (SE Performance) and requirements (SE Requirement).

Other objects will only be available for viewing, as the association is performed through their respective components.


To associate SE Suite objects with a supplier, first, access the "File Supplier" menu, select the record in the list of suppliers, and click on the button.

At this point, click on the Associations section and select the tab of the desired object:



Allows associating the SE Performance indicators with the supplier. To perform this association, execute the following steps:


1.First, type the indicator name in the object field.


2.Then, select the desired records and click on the button.


3.The data of each selected indicator will be displayed in the list of records.



There are two buttons on the upper right corner of each associated indicator:

The first button opens the indicator data screen for viewing;

The second button disassociates the supplier record.



With this feature, the user can associate, disassociate, and map requirements for the supplier. To perform the association, execute the following steps:


1.Click on the button on the right side of the record screen.



2.On the selection screen, use the search field to facilitate searching for the desired requirement and click on the button.


3.Select the desired records and click on the button.


The data of the following objects will be available for viewing directly through SE Supplier, but they can only be associated through the respective solution. See further details below:



All 2nd party audits (in supplier) associated with this supplier will be displayed. This association is performed through the audit data screen, in the respective component (Audit Management Planning - AU009).



All FMEAs associated with the respective supplier will be displayed in this list. This feature allows the user to view the structure data of the FMEAs displayed on this list in a faster way.  

The association of FMEAs with the supplier is performed through the SE FMEA component, in the Management FMEA menu.



Supplier ranking: Allows viewing the supplier quality index. To do that, select the desired evaluation group for the ranking to be detailed on the screen.

Receiving: It is possible to view all receivings for the supplier. The upper part of the screen displays the data of the last receiving, and below it, the receiving history is listed. It is possible to use filters to facilitate the searches.



All supplies associated with the respective supplier will be displayed in this list. This association is performed through the supply data screen on the Inspection Management Supply creation (SU008) menu, in the Companies Supplier section.



All items associated with the respective supplier will be displayed in this list. This association is performed through the item data screen on the PDM Management Item definition (IT011) menu, in the Companies Supplier section.



It is possible to view the surveys (SE Survey) answered by the supplier. With this feature, the user will be able to view the data of the last response of the supplier, as well as the history of responses executed in SoftExpert Survey.


Related links:

Editing audit data

Creating FMEAs

Editing supplies

Editing items (SE PDM)