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User panel

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Besides information related to the user, the user panel has useful shortcuts to use the system. Click on the user picture placed on the upper right corner of the system screen to view the user panel, next to the full text search field. At this point, the panel will be displayed, see the information which can be accessed from this panel:


Account: This menu opens the data screen of the logged user, allowing some information to be edited, such as picture, language, and password. View the Modifying user data section for further details on these changes.


Profile: This menu displays the employee profile. See on this screen, the user professional background. Some information related to employees can be displayed only if the company has purchased some components, such as SE Competence, which displays information related to the evaluation results of the employee competencies.


Connected devices: This menu displays the devices connected to the logged user account.


Change license key: This option will be displayed on the panel when the logged user has two or more license keys linked to their account.


Privacy notice: This option will be available for the user to view and print after accepting the legal notice issued by the company, if the company configured it through SE Configuration. The notice will be reissued to be accepted after configuration or any changes are made.


Exit: Click on this button to close your session.


SoftExpert Privacy Policy: Click on this link to access the SE Suite Privacy Policy.