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Configuring Home

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The portals created on the system can be used as a home, that is, as the homepage of SE Suite. See in this section, the steps to configure the SE Suite home page:


In order for a user to be able to define a portal as home, it is necessary to have the "Set as Home" permission. This permission is granted to the access group the user belongs to, in Configuration > Access group (CM011), in the "Permissions - Portals" item.


Currently, the system assigns one Home per user, that is, when setting a Home, the previous one will be replaced, and it will no longer be possible to stack portals in the Home. The new users created in SE Suite will always receive a default Home or the Home of the group (department, position or team) the user is a member of.


When there are no portals set as Home, the following message will be displayed, considering all users with or without permission to assign a Home. The user with permission to assign the Home will have the button to select the portal to be set as Home:



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With permission to assign the Home, the portal selection button will be available

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Without permission to assign the Home, it is necessary to request it to the responsible party


Set portal as Home

Set Home via URL

Edit Home definitions

Dissociate Home