Action rescheduling request execution
Who receives it:
▪User and team members responsible for the action plan to which the action belongs. ▪User and team member responsible for the isolated action. |
The issue/approval step (as configured) is finished by the due responsible parties in the SE Request component. The issuance of action rescheduling requests can be executed through the Request section from the Details tab of the action data screen, while it is under "Execution".
To reschedule the start and end dates and/or the responsible for the execution of the action.
How to execute this task:
In the list of records of the second quadrant, select the desired request. Then, click on the arrow located next to the button and select the desired option:
This option allows executing the request without accessing the action data screen. In this case, the system will request the countersign if the "Request user countersign when performing critical operations in the components" option is checked in the SE Configuration component (CM008), as well as a confirmation of the data that must be replanned. Choose the desired option:
▪OK: The fields of the action data screen will be filled with the rescheduled data entered in the request and the request will be executed and no longer displayed in the list of pending records. ▪Cancel: The request will remain pending for execution.
When using this option, the system will display the rescheduled data informed at the time of issuing the request (start date, end date, responsible for the execution (Who?)). If you do not want to use this data, use the Approval option described below.
This option allows rescheduling the general action data before executing the request. To open the data screen, the system will request the countersign if the "Request user countersign when performing critical operations in the components" option is checked in the SE Configuration component (CM008). Once the countersign is entered, the action data screen will be displayed, allowing to edit its ID #, name, the data of the General tab, and the Effectiveness verification tab. Remember that the presentation of some fields may vary depending on whether the action is sorted by a category, and the settings performed in it.
After making the necessary changes, save the record. The system will request you to confirm the data to be rescheduled. Click on OK to confirm the rescheduling. At this point, the request will be executed, no longer displayed in the list of pending records.
To execute the request successfully, the status of the action to which it refers must be "Execution".
Use the other buttons on the main screen toolbar to view the data of the request selected in the list of records, generate the available reports for this menu, or return the request to the previous step. In the latter case, the system will request the countersign if the "Request user countersign when performing critical operations in the components" option is checked in the SE Configuration component (CM008).