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Scorecard revision

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Scorecard revision

Who receives it:

ISO9000 based:

Draft/Review/Approval/Release: Users defined as participants in the revision route associated with the scorecard.

Closure: The user who created the revision will receive this task if, in the "Revision publication" field of the revision data, the Manual option has been selected.

Workflow: Users defined as executors of the workflow activity. These users should have the Revise control enabled in the security list of the scorecard.


ISO9000 based:

Draft: When starting a new revision or when a participant rejects a revision step.

Review/Approval/Release: After the drafter releases its task. It is important to point out that these steps are optional and the appropriate responsible will receive them exactly in this order.

Closure: After the execution of the last revision step, defined in the route.

Workflow: When a new revision starts and when in the process flow, the activity should be executed.


Control the changes and versions of the scorecards added in the system.


How to execute this task:



Select the desired Scorecard from the list of pending records.



If the revision step is "Draft" or if the activity status allows editing the scorecard data and structure, if you wish to perform adjustments in the scorecard, use the following buttons:


Click on this button to edit the scorecard data. See more details in the Editing a scorecard section.


Click on this button to assemble the scorecard structure. See further details about this operation in the Planning a scorecard section.



1_auxnmbClick on the default button of the toolbar to execute the revision.


Below are described the steps to execute a revision based on the ISO9000 standard. Refer to the Revisions arrowrgrayp Executing revision section for a detailed description on how to perform a controlled revision by a workflow.



At this point, the scorecard data screen will be opened, allowing the release of the revision step. Access the Revision section to view information related to the revision. The following subsections may be available for editing:



After entering the necessary fields, use one of the following available actions (according to the revision step) displayed in the toolbar of the scorecard data screen:



Accept revision

Click on this option to indicate that the scorecard is in accordance and send the revision to the next step. In the Draft stage, this is the only available option.

Send back to draft step

Click on this option to indicate that the scorecard needs to be improved and to send the revision back to the draft step. To do that, in the previously described section, enter the critiques that must be solved by the revision drafter.

If during the revision configuration the approval has been configured as "Circular", the reviewers will not be able to send the revision to the draft step. If the approval has been configured as "Incremental", any revision participant will be able to return it to the draft step.

Delete revision

This option will only be displayed if the revision is not the first revision of the scorecard (cycle 1) or if the revision is in the "Closure" step (if it has been configured). Click on it to delete the revision.


The scorecard revision can also be performed through the "Accept revision" button in the task notification e-mail related to the Draft, Review, Approval, and/or Release steps of the revision.